apart from being saddled with an less than lacklustre cadre from whom to make a presidential canddate, the DPP will always be “damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t” doanything about TI.
they can’t go forth and trumpet Taiwan’s independence or China will shit on them wiith great prejudice, claiming it’s altered their stupid one-sided definition of the ‘status quo’.
they can’t actually do anything until the stupid ROC edifice that Chiang KS in his great beneficence bestowed, albatross-like, upon the people of Taiwan, is dismantled, illegal and irrelevant though it was. China has no legitimate claim upon Taiwan, though it still bleats like a forgotten puppy when anyone even mentions the name Taiwan without ‘Province of China’ attached like some as-yet-unsnipped foreskin (sorry HGC). they’re politically screwed anyway, isolated by years of KMT brainwashing of schoolchildren, altering history to suit their aims, political control of all propaganda machines (sorry, TV and radio stations created by the state and still illegally held by the KMT), etc, not to mention imposing an occupier’s language on the populace, importing a large number of troops and secret police, and dismantling as much as possible any opportunity for counter-acting free speech and dissenting opinion (as all fascist dictatorships do). not really a fair race.
and what will the KMT do in their place? effectively donate Taiwan to the oligarchy that is modern China, initially by opening free trade and travel, creating an economic zone, perhaps adopting a unified currency, then minimising border controls, reducing all internationalising contracts and contacts between the countries. it’s already all in place: the UN has China on the SecCon, the WHO treats Taiwan as almost a part of China already (at China’s insistence, naturally), and the WTO needs very little paperwork to remove Taiwan’s status as a named ‘independent’ player and allow it to act as a sub-region a la Hong Kong.
how does this help the Taiwanese directly, apart from giving them the security of being allied with a big bully rather than trying to remain separate from it? not much, for the benefits of Taiwan’s position, and the little lead we have on China will be gone, and then the people of Taiwan really will be stuck in a backward province of the big machine of China, giving their all as a kind of permanent off-shore aircraft carrier and an excuse to push the fight for mineral and fishing resources of the island chains (read ‘ocean rights’) right up to the border with Japan and the Phillipines.
They claim that it will help Taiwan, but the net benefit of Taiwan’s annexation by China will bve to China, not Taiwan, and in most likelihood, the standard of living of taiwanese will only go backwards faster than it is now, not improve.
most short sighted voters won’t think this through, under the barrage of “pretty boy” advertising and speeches, and that’s another thing the KMT can rely on. postage stamp to the rescue!