2nd cat (new kitten) advice

We have 2 cats. One is “Chinchilla” 4yrs.old, another is “Scottish Fold” 3yrs.old. Both are male.
Second one has been bought 1 year after first one.

They share everything: toilet, food, drink. And it started right after we bought second one. And it was no problem for them. The only thing they don’t want to share is places :wink: If one cat suddenly occupy another’s then it will be punished :wink:

mups, it’s very sad that kitty didn’t survive.
The first thing we did for both cats - made all initial vaccinations. It was 3 or 4 injections. Around once per week. Actually, second cat was approximately 6 months old when we bought him, and had “passport” with stickers about already made vaccination. So, we did it only for first cat.
Once, they got flea suddenly… It was hard time to get rid of it. Medicine didn’t help much. Only after shaving our chinchilla we succeded. Probably we bring flea to them from one of those Taiwanese pet shop stores we like to visit time after time. And we were lucky it wasn’t something else, more serious. Actually, i realized that it’s easy to bring some disease to cats from such stores. So now i’m more careful now. Actually, you could bring disease to kitty by looking other stores and touching other cats before you bought Tuffy.

Tairus gives good advice about sicknesses. I don’t think that Tuffy got sick from touching, but I read recently that cats can get some influenza viruses from people and if they do, they will get much sicker. The article wanted to remind everyone to wash their hands before playing with your cats. That’s hard for me because the cats all wait at the door for kisses when I come home; so I have little wet wipes in my car to clean my hands before I get inside!

It’s always good to be careful.

Yep we’ll be very careful from now on.

Another sidenote, our other cat is fine but seems to have contracted ringworm from Tuffy. AND passed it onto us.

This is after I showed it to my vet…to which he replied it’s a skin disease but didn’t provide any medicine (possibly because of my cat’s fever last week), AND also said nothing about it being contagious to people, which might be helpful, cause you know, now we have it.

We’re thinking about taking our cat back when they reopen next week for vaccinations and then let him handle our cat (and thank him by touching him) for a bit before we point out our ringworm.

I guess I should know better from living in Taiwan for 3 years, but sometimes I just can’t resist assuming competence.

Mups, sadly, it’s not limited to Taiwan. Anyone breeding animals to make bucks is cutting corners. That results in poor conditions and poor health in the animals.

These people care about cash only and are indifferent to the suffering of the animals they sell and the suffering of the people they sell them to. Do not buy any animal from a pet store. Don’t even support them by buying your pet supplies there.

I feel badly for your kitty and I am truly sorry for your loss.

Here’s a tip I learned a couple weeks ago when I contracted ringworm from a student–you can cure it with regular, over the counter athlete’s food cream. It’s the same fungus, apparently. I wouldn’t use it on your cat, but it will work for you humans!

There should be organisation watching on pet stores.
As for straying dogs/cats - what if i want specific breed of it? Did you see chinchilla straying cat? I don’t think so. This kind of cat won’t survive on wild.

That’s not the solution at all.

A chinchilla is not a cat. I believe the cat in question was NAMED Chinchilla.

Of course i didn’t mean mouse chinchilla :slight_smile:

The breed of cat is called Chinchilla.
Here are pictures if somebody doesn’t know it:
images.google.com/images?oe=utf- … CBIQsAQwAA

here are my cats:

Barsik (Scottish Fold):

Senia (Chinchilla):

Thanks, we got some.

tairus, I glanced at the 2nd pic and thought it was a toy robot cat for a second lol.

Senia is not a robot :slight_smile: He likes to try every box he finds. So it was very easy to make such photo. Barsik is opposite :slight_smile: