31% of Taiwanese earn less than NT$30,000; 10% earn over NT$61,000 per month

Yup Average salary in Taiwan it includes bonus, overtime = 49,989 NTD

“According to Taiwan’s Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, on average the salary for an industrial or service worker in Taiwan was NT$39,953 in 2017, but if all bonuses and overtime pays were included, the average total salary was NT$49,989.”

Median salary (include bonus etc) is NT$7~8000 lower than average.

yes, sadly.

“that this number does not reflect the reality of the society even though it was statistically correct”

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median salary is often times a better representation of typical societal conditions. high salaried people can really skew the mean (e.g. if 10 homeless people are in a bar with bill gates, the average networth in there is almost 100 million). median is closer to 40k so that’s what your typical taiwanese workerbee has to make do with every month. there’s definitely a sizeable number of people though that make a lot of dough who live like kings here (well, have probably 5 properties and drive around in a mercades).

A 40k median isn’t bad at all, but if you’re a politician you can’t embrace that data or you’ll anger all the voters who earn less than that. “The data is correct but it’s not exactly real” is a more politically correct approach, though a bit scummy.

What does that even mean?

…is there a country where the median is higher than the average?

[[quote=“Gain, post:348, topic:165577, full:true”]
is there a country where the median is higher than the average?

Maybe Brunei where the government ensure they have a certain level of high-income and only a few people have a very low income.

Due to low oil price, their income has dropped to not-so-high level.

Not that I know of, I was more commenting on the fact that their average was so low already and once we talk about mean…

What did you expect and what do you expect the averages and the medians are of other countries? I can guarantee you that most won’t be too cute either. The (net) median income in Britain for example is £1500.

Taiwan government unveiled plan to raise wages


“You have some migrant workers earning a very low income, you need to raise it to 30k or else…”

“Oh geez, 30k is quite a lot, I guess I might as well fire them and hire some Taiwanese who’d be more likely to work for that salary. Sorry Vietnamese/Philippino bro”

“No wait, that’s not what we…oh, shieeet”

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Raising the minimum wage always has side effects. Government will hire fewer people, have longer hiring freezes when the next budget cuts come around, etc…

I am trying to wrap my head around this:

Migrant workers to blame? they pay 5000 USD to legal coyotes and they blame them. Seriously?

Brief search lands a cornucopia of articles about the stagnation of salaries:

I like that title. tell it like it is.

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It’s really a shame that the low productivity of Taiwan’s local (non export) economy is not discussed more often

If the data is correct, then yes. “To blame” doesn’t mean it’s their “fault”, but if more and more migrant workers from poor/developing countries come to Taiwan and are willing to work for the absolutely minimum wage, then the average salaries will reflect that data.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s ignore bonuses, contract types etc:

If you have 100 people working for 50k a month you have an average salary of 50k/person
If you have 190 people working for 50k a month and 10 people working for 22.5k a month, the average salary has just gone down even if the vast majority of people are still earning 50k a month

Considering that each year we keep reading about programs for importing more and more workers from SEA countries, and that not a huge amount of them are CEOs or nuclear engineers, then the statement from that article seems correct. I know it doesn’t warm the heart, but that’s not very relevant.

Share record Profits from increased productivity with their employees?? Think of the poor Board of Directors and the Owners of these big Taiwan companies…They need their money for KTV Hookers, 3rd Wives in China and 2nd Rolls Royces… and their poor kids need weed and clubbing money.