38 Million Sharks Killed for Fins Annually, Experts Estimate

[url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061012-shark-fin.html]38 Million Sharks Killed for Fins Annually, Experts Estimate
Nicholas Bakalar
for National Geographic News
October 12, 2006

Some chicken stock, a few mushrooms, chicken breast, scallions, a little sherry, oil, spices—shark fin soup is fairly easy to prepare. But to make soup for six, you’ll also need about a pound (half a kilogram) of shark fin meat.

Demand for that crucial ingredient has led to the killing of a median of about 38 million sharks a year, according to a new study that offers what may be the first reliable estimates of the number of sharks killed for their fins.[/url]

[ul][li]President Chen Shuibian did a television advert discouraging people from eating shark fin, but according to news reports shark fin is a regular item on the menu when A-Bian and family eat out. Hypocrites!
[li]My work associate eats plenty of meat for every meal and tries to make me do the same. One thing he will not touch, however, is shark. Once he was gathering intelligence for the ROC in the coastal part of Fujian Province and was caught and locked up. He escaped, jumped into the sea and swam until he was exhausted. Sharks were swimming around him but did not bite. In gratitude to sharks for not eating him, he will not eat them, either.[/li][/ul]

Aren’t there several other threads on this exact topic?

Likewise, mosquitoes don’t bite me, and I, not them.