3G modem technology is here in Taiwan

Finally, 384K wifi speed wherever there is 3G :slight_smile:. Using Chunghwa Telecomā€™s Huawei E220 USB modem in Malaysia Ipoh at the moment. Works better than my friendā€™s timezone wifi-hotspot connection in Starbucks muahaha :smiley: .

Used it a moving vehicle too. Finally, Ricochet Technology is here!!! (It used to be wifi before wifiā€¦) The wall-less office is available wooo hooo! :taz:

Yes it rocks. I have the same thing, I think. See my post above in the 3.5G thread. By the way, are you really using a Taiwan SIM card with that roaming in Malaysia? Does it let you use the 3.5G speed of 3.6 megs per second or does it knock you down to 3G? Are you in downtown KL? Arenā€™t you worried about the roaming charges and other fees for using the data services there with your Taiwan sim?

By the way, what I find it better than any WiFi system, (besides its mobility like working in speeding cars on the highway, or buses and trains) is that for WiFi to be fast you have to be close to the station, for this HSDPA stuff it seems the speed is always fast no matter where I am.

[quote=ā€œHobartā€]Yes it rocks. I have the same thing, I think. See my post above in the 3.5G thread. By the way, are you really using a Taiwan SIM card with that roaming in Malaysia? Does it let you use the 3.5G speed of 3.6 megs per second or does it knock you down to 3G? Are you in downtown KL? Arenā€™t you worried about the roaming charges and other fees for using the data services there with your Taiwan sim?

By the way, what I find it better than any WiFi system, (besides its mobility like working in speeding cars on the highway, or buses and trains) is that for WiFi to be fast you have to be close to the station, for this HSDPA stuff it seems the speed is always fast no matter where I am.[/quote]

Yes, weā€™re using the same thing! But in Perak Malaysia (northern pennisula), it does knock me down to 3G not 3.5G :frowning:. Should be faster in downtown KL though according to the Celcom maps that Iā€™ve seen. I can probably try out the Maxis and Digi networks in KL and see what the speeds are.

Right now, just super happy with this. I can take my laptop to the driving range, do some work, hit a few balls, come back and send out some more emails. So happy !!!

As for the cost, yeah, Iā€™m concerned, but for testing purposes, Iā€™m willing to fork the companyā€™s dollar to test it out :smiley:. The CHT account manager who sold it to us, said that itā€™s an ā€œall you can eatā€ plan with a cap thatā€™s less than 2K a month. Iā€™m going to test that out :wink:.

(Mods, pls merge into Hobartā€™s previous thread, thanks)

My colleague reports that the 3G network in southern Taiwan (around the Kaohsiung Metro area) sucks pretty bad with some drops happening.

Last night I had up rates of >400Kbps :thumbsup:

Having problems exporting my Blackberry address book into the Huawei modem contact list via csv format. Will play around some more.

Geesh, Cartman, from Malaysiaā€™s driving range to high speed porn back in your hotel. And this is a business trip? Iā€™m starting to hate you. :laughing:

That physically hurts somewhere in the chest region.


Huang: Is there no HSDPA in HK? Donā€™t be jealous, just whip out the credit card.

Yo Cartman: Did you see now they are building HSDPA and EVDO support into notebooks. Google it. Life is looking up. The dongle is fine, but it would have been nicer if support was built-in. Man, now I want a smaller lighter notebook and carry it around all of the time.

Ok, just came back from Malaysia and my roaming hit me in the chest at NTD4,500 :astonished: They shut down my access and I just had it turned on back today. So that was about 3-4 days worth of usage (close to 6-8 hours on avg).

Yeah, if this thing was built in, thatā€™d be rocking. Iā€™m using an X32 so it doesnā€™t matter much to me. Or if I had a bluetooth, 3G enabled phone like the CHT9100 or similar HTC (Doopod) phone :thumbsup: I should try it on my HTC 595 and see how it goes.

Yes, sweetness babyā€¦ life is good :smiley:

After further investigation, my 10 days overseas with this toy cost me NTD 83,000 ++ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :runaway:

Whereā€™s the emoticon for shooting oneself in the head?? :help: :help:

One of the most dain bramaged things Iā€™ve ever done :blush: ā€¦ luckily Iā€™m a position to do something. I hereby revoke my usage of this modem outside of Taiwan. :frowning:

384k is more of a theoretical value rather than the actual speed. You would be able to achieve it only in a situation where your cellular signal reception would be real good. It is probably one of the major reasons why 3G has been failing so badly so far. HSDPA should change the situation. They promise 3.6, you will get about half of it, which is about what you get from your fixed ADSL connection.


After further investigation, my 10 days overseas with this toy cost me NTD 83,000 ++ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :runaway:

Whereā€™s the emoticon for shooting oneself in the head?? :help: :help:

One of the most dain bramaged things Iā€™ve ever done :blush: ā€¦ luckily Iā€™m a position to do something. I hereby revoke my usage of this modem outside of Taiwan. :frowning:[/quote]Hey Man, I warned you too. That was really crazy. Roaming has no max out fee.

How did you discover it cost NT$83,000? Is that the actual roaming charges for access while you were abroad?

384k is more of a theoretical value rather than the actual speed. You would be able to achieve it only in a situation where your cellular signal reception would be real good. It is probably one of the major reasons why 3G has been failing so badly so far. HSDPA should change the situation. They promise 3.6, you will get about half of it, which is about what you get from your fixed ADSL connection.

Simon[/quote]Simon, you should test it for yourself and see. Lately everyday I have been researching HSDPA notebooks. Even though dongle is fine, I love HSDPA so much, I want to invest in a latop with built-in HSDPA. Speed is perfectly fine and more stable than my WiFi at home. At home, I go upstairs or far away from my access point and I almost lose the connection. With HSDPA, I get reception in a speeding taxi, in the park, on the can, it doesnā€™t matter.

After further investigation, my 10 days overseas with this toy cost me NTD 83,000 ++ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :runaway:

Whereā€™s the emoticon for shooting oneself in the head?? :help: :help:

One of the most dain bramaged things Iā€™ve ever done :blush: ā€¦ luckily Iā€™m a position to do something. I hereby revoke my usage of this modem outside of Taiwan. :frowning:[/quote]Hey Man, I warned you too. That was really crazy. Roaming has no max out fee.

How did you discover it cost NT$83,000? Is that the actual roaming charges for access while you were abroad?[/quote]

Yes :blush: :blush: :blush: . When I got back, I couldnā€™t use the modem so I called CHT to find out why. I fell off my chair. :frowning: