
I just had a look on Taiwan Da Ge Da’s site, but the English version (at least) has no info about 3G prices.

What kind of plans do they offer for 3G?

I’ve heard ChungHua offer 400NT a month for unlimited service - but haven’t confirmed, and my current provider is DaGeDa which I just had my contract re-signed.

[quote=“x08”]I just had a look on Taiwan Da Ge Da’s site, but the English version (at least) has no info about 3G prices.

What kind of plans do they offer for 3G?

I’ve heard ChungHua offer 400NT a month for unlimited service - but haven’t confirmed, and my current provider is DaGeDa which I just had my contract re-signed.[/quote]Similar to GPRS/EDGE prices. Roughly:

399/month including 60MB. Anything over that charged at a certain rate up to a maximum of 1100.


600-ish/month, bigger initial free allowance, lower rate over that, maximum of 900.

I imagine there’s an unlimited service too but I don’t know for sure. I know those 3.5G dongle thingys are around 900NT/month for unlimited data transfer.

Maybe someone else can provide more specific information.

How many MB do you think MSN would use in a month? ((it being my main reason for wanting 3G))

Very, very few, as long as you’re not transferring files.

So in all honesty… without file transfers, I could chat 24/7 on MSN and not break over 60MB?

I’m hoping to go down to the da-ge-da place on Thursday and try my best to get some info from them…

Am using CHT’s 3G service with a 3G USB dongle. this means I can take my laptop anywhere where there is 3G on the island and I will have an Internet connection. So that’s good. But the bad is that the connection is not that great. The dongle is capable of doing HDSPA, which is a great technology with some fast speeds, but if HDSPA is not available then the connection is reset to whatever is available, and that sometimes has been as bad as a GPRS connection, which is pretty bad. So bad I spent a week going through the “help” service trying to identify the problem. The “help” service first was convinced that my service was on a mobile phone… 3G right? After educating the technicians about 3G network technology I then had to send the dongle in for testing. Got it back in a week with the verdict that it was my computer that was at fault. No details on what particular problem I had with my computer. Anyway I let that one go, I have a desktop and a laptop and they both experienced the same problem at the same time, so am pretty sure that it was not the fault of both of my computers. Location also wasn’t the problem either, since I tried the connection at different points of the city (Hsinchu) and always had the same speeds. Also have 3G on my mobile with Taiwan Mobile but always have a good connection. So I’ve come to the conclusion that the Chunghwa’s 3G service will vary according to what network type they have going at the time.
So anyway, am paying 1100 NT for unlimited downloads. I log my downloads and easily get over a gig a month, mostly torrents anyway. The speed is the problem. With a good 3G connection on a HDSPA network I get maybe 20-80 kbps of data depending on the server. Local connections are faster. WCDMA is a little slower, and then the days when all I get is GPRS is when I start wondering whether FarEastone is better. So conclusion is don’t go with Chungwha if you can avoid it. If you want mobility the dongle is a great idea, but your 3G mobile phone’s modem function is also an option, especially if your downloads on the road are light. So at the moment I’m leaning towards having a great DSL connection at home and just use the 3G mobile for when I can’t find an available wireless connection to make use of.