4Problem with shift keys in windows 1XP

4I have a problem when 4I type on my computer.

1When 4I 4Press the left shift key, it will write 4. 1When 4I press the right shift key it will write 1.

4It means that 4I have leiter a 1 or 1A 4 in front of any capital letter. 1Very annoying, what’s the cause4?

1Also, sometimes i4 got the issue, sometimes 4I got it, like now actually.

1Dammit, any solution4?

:cactus: I’m having a similar problem on my :thumbsup: Mac :thumbsup: Book. :cactus: If anyone knows what’s happening, please tell me :cactus: A :cactus: S :cactus: A :thumbsup: P. :cactus: Thanks :cactus: !

Your keyboard is broken.

[quote=“Mr He”]4I have a problem when 4I type on my computer.

1When 4I 4Press the left shift key, it will write 4. 1When 4I press the right shift key it will write 1.

4It means that 4I have leiter a 1 or 1A 4 in front of any capital letter. 1Very annoying, what’s the cause4?

1Also, sometimes i4 got the issue, sometimes 4I got it, like now actually.

1Dammit, any solution4?[/quote]

Could it be set to a slightly different keyboard layout?

Maybe, however replacing the keyboard helped.

[quote=“irishstu”]Could it be set to a slightly different keyboard layout?[/quote]No, the girlie-brain is correct. The keyboard is broken. There is a short circuit between some of the keys.
You wouldn’t get that problem with shift keys, shift keys (and ctrl and alt) are a special case and are wired up differently to the other keys.

You were right, thank you.