5 big cockroaches in apartment entrance floor

Disgusting insects

Most of these pests are dirty due to living around human filth. :wink:

Had a German cockroach infestation at an apartment once, shocking. Baits and supermarket bought stuff won’t work if they take hold.

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Once they invade your place it is hard to get rid of them. You should ask some Russians for help! /s


Thanks for your reply. I’m wondering, do you have a suggested bait to boric acid ratio? I tried to go 50/50 but I was kind of guessing, and I am hoping my roach friends don’t puke up the boric acid.

Ever since a huntsman spider took up residence under the bathtub, I haven’t seen a single cockroach in the apartment.

I just found this in my bathroom. It was too fast, I couldn’t capture it. Should I just let it be?

I dont use that much. But if they are.disappearing its working.

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Yes, it is not big enough to be a nuisance… yet.

i do not like it being in the bathroom, though. Maybe relocate it to the kitchen or any other place where it will have more food, less accidents and a longer lifespan?

It catches cockroaches.

I rather see cockroach than that 8 legged freak!!!


He’s your friend. Can also be used in various prank scenarios with your housemates/house guests. Win all around.

Scare Icon?

Icon has a heart condition. I will make a mean ghost.

Found a dead dragonfly yesterday in front of my apartment’s entry (5th floor).

Bad omen!

So far so good!