7-11 Gentleman's Lounge RIP

I see the 7-11 behind “Luxy” off Chung Hsiao East Rd has now a small 3-foot wooden fence in the outside area, prohibiting ‘foreigners’ from drinking there. The place is a popular hang out, attracting both foreigners and locals. The local residents have been complaining about noise levels, which is kind of ironic when you think about it … I mean that area is the 24-hour area of Taipei (luxy, california gym, etc).
I would meet up with people from time to time and have a few beers after work. I guess not any more.Anyway, this could be the start of a clampdown on boozing outside of convenience stores.

Yeah I was lamenting this just the other night. Seems the 7-11 on the corner of Jinshan across from ShiDa has had the same fate.

Yah I wish you would stop doing that. I fully support the government on this one. :wink:

Stop doing what exactly? It’s always a few rowdy ones that spoil it for everyone.

It’s definitely louder than firecrackers and other fireworks at 3 AM … :ponder:

I bet they ain’t happy about it. That Seven must have sold more beer than any other in Taipei.

It’s funny how the locals always complain about noise when it involves a handful of foreigners, but never when it involves other locals…

I know of a fair few foreign run restaurants in town that always get the neighbours complaining about noise, even if it’s only a couple of people outside talking at normal conversation level…

This doesn’t seem to happen in local eating/drinking establishments, at least none that I’ve been to and it’s a lot more rowdy there than in any of the foreign run places I’ve been to where there have been complaints.

Also, I can’t remember it ever being all that noisy around that 7-11, maybe I’ve been there on the wrong time of the night… I also seem to remember it being much noisier further down that same road outside various other places frequented by locals…

It’s probably the frequency (tone, pitch) of the noise that matters, Chinese and foreign (English) languages must be different … :roflmao:

I thought this was about the ‘Gentlemen’s club’ that caters for men wanting some female company near the Taipei Arena.

I have never been there. A friend took his friend who was leaving Taiwan there one time.

[quote=“TheLostSwede”]It’s funny how the locals always complain about noise when it involves a handful of foreigners, but never when it involves other locals…

I know of a fair few foreign run restaurants in town that always get the neighbours complaining about noise, even if it’s only a couple of people outside talking at normal conversation level…

This doesn’t seem to happen in local eating/drinking establishments, at least none that I’ve been to and it’s a lot more rowdy there than in any of the foreign run places I’ve been to where there have been complaints.

Also, I can’t remember it ever being all that noisy around that 7-11, maybe I’ve been there on the wrong time of the night… I also seem to remember it being much noisier further down that same road outside various other places frequented by locals…[/quote]

“On tap” at its new location is having to keep the noise down. Seriously man, the locals don’t like the wai gworens to have fun. :ponder:

[quote=“cake”]I thought this was about the ‘Gentlemen’s club’ that caters for men wanting some female company near the Taipei Arena.

I have never been there. A friend took his friend who was leaving Taiwan there one time.[/quote]
I might know that guy.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”][quote=“cake”]I thought this was about the ‘Gentlemen’s club’ that caters for men wanting some female company near the Taipei Arena.

I have never been there. A friend took his friend who was leaving Taiwan there one time.[/quote]
I might know that guy.[/quote]

Was he that tall guy with hair and a coat?

Don’t overthink nor blame it on some almighty decision because of foreigners. It is a 7/11 decision, preventative measure, not to keep the waiguoren away, although the waiguoren hang about.

The street behind Luxy is a madhouse after hours. 7/11 is just doing it as a preventative measure before things get out of hand and then 7/11 gets a bad rap on Apple Daily.

I can guarantee you this has nothing to do with 7/11.

NOTHING makes a TWese person more irate than the sound waves of the smooth baritone of the English language creeping into their domicile.

political slogans
the window fixer
annoying ass bairns

all those things can be loud as fuck, a TWese won’t even bat an eye, but a bit of the white man’s jibberish, they ain’t TRYIN TO HEAR THAT SHIT!!!

RE: the 7/11, maybe the cheap cunts will actually have to go into a bar and spend money now instead of just drinking outside and feeding off the crowd a bar attracts. I find it kind of amusing, but not everyone will, ask anyone who owns a bar however, and they will be sporting a shit eating grin, because it isn’t the people who spend money at the bar that get it in hot water, it is the CCs (cheap cunts) outside of the bar that drink Taipiss in the can.

I’m a bit this :unamused: but a bit this :roflmao: too

I’m kind of :cactus: with a whole lot of :blush: but I do enjoy :popcorn: and a little of this :liar: and :discodance: on the weekends.

Oi! I like Taiwan beer. And I’ve been a longstanding patron (and a long-standing patron) of the Gentleman’s lounge, as it’s right behind my Zhongxiao office, and a convenient place to have a drink and enjoy the scenery. I drop more than my share of lucre at Taipei bars, and have been doing so for over 20 years. There’s nothing wrong at all with a few casual drinks outside a 7-11, unless you’ve got some kind of complex. I’m secure in my history of drinking establishment largesse, and am non-judgmental about people who enjoy a beer or two on the street.

Not all sevens are off-limits, though. The police office last week informed me that we were welcome to drink at the Gentleman’s Club, which is the seven one block north and west of the Gentleman’s Lounge. It’s not quite as upscale as the GL, but the situation is what it is.

I don’t get it but, I live in the country and I can’t visualize what you mean. Most 7-11’s now have public patios with tables included. I’ve seen locals drinking coffee, beer and other stuff. I understand, it is legal to drink in public here. What’s stopping you from using the tables.

What was this Gentlemen’s club? Did it have chairs to sit on? Show us a pic! I don’t drink while standing! Too far to fall.

There’s nothing wrong at all with a few casual drinks outside a 7-11, unless you’ve got some kind of complex. I’m secure in my history of drinking establishment largesse, and am non-judgmental about people who enjoy a beer or two on the street.
Makes a change

Indeed. I was chatting with my uncle Gary about it, and it seems someone with a bit of clout has moved upstairs. 7-11 themselves couldn’t give a monkey’s.