Official commemorative page:
Chinese version:
Special Discovery program at 9pm, on 9/20
[quote]921 Earthquake Special
921 EARTHQUAKE SPECIAL marks the 10th anniversary of the earthquake in ChiChi, Nantou, that devastated central Taiwan on September 21, 1999. The event and its aftermath sparked renewed interest in five main areas of innovation, and some individuals have strived to turn disaster into opportunity.
More on conmemorative activities:
I thought there would be more excitement about the 921 Earthquake 10th anniversary than there has been. Memories fade, I guess. I wrote a letter to the Taipei Times that was published last Friday, and blogger Bevin Chu posted it on his blog.
Well, the academics are definitely commemorating quite busily.
The government sponsored a 3-day 10th Anniversary Conference last week, covering a wide range of topics, including things like earthquake geology, seismic bridge engineering, disaster insurance and finance, landsliding, and a bunch of other topics. There was also a separate 10th anniversary conference earlier this year for the geophysicists/geologists, and I know of at least two others this month…
I guess with the shite economic state of affairs, people have better bad dreams to remember.
Besides, won’t dwelling on it, make it happen again?
Most importantly, a lot of activities were canceled because of Morakot -elicits too many comparisons…