I’m looking for an inexpensive backgammon board and wonder if anyone has any suggestions on where I might be able to buy one? I live in the Hsinchu area. Thanks!
Toys r US and Costco stock them - not sure if you have either of those down there.
It’s pretty easy to make one out of a chinese chess set. You just need to find a doubling cube.
Brilliant, we shall give Costco a go. Thanks very much!
An ordinary die will work fine.
Hi icon, did you find your backgammon board at Costco? I’m preparing to go and get one, but just want to make sure you found it before I make the long trip.
Sorry, we haven’t made it to Costco yet, we’re not members so are still waiting to accompany friends on their next visit.
I tried emailing ToyRUs about a Hsinchu branch as there’s something mentioned on their site about one but no address - never got a response. Also emailed a company that has a factory making boards in Hsinchu (Maukwen) - I got an initial response to say they had them but no info on where I can buy one. Communication is a little tricky as I don’t speak Chinese!
Good luck with your search and please let us know if you’re successful!
Just an FYI that Costco (the neihu one) doesn’t have backgammon boards. I’ll post back as soon as I find one and let you know where to go. Thanks!
We tried Toys R Us in Toayuan this weekend - no luck there!
I usually play backgammon on my computer.
If worse comes to worse, I’ve known people who have printed them out on their computer.
Frustratingly, there’s a factory in Hsinchu that makes wooden boards but I can’t find an street address and the email address bounces back. sportgamecraft.com/en/company.php
No boards in Costco, Hsinchu. We’ve now given up and made our own using print-outs from the internet, cardboard and Chinese chess pieces!