A decent affordable place to stay in Taipei (for 3 days)

I have some relatives coming to Kaohsiung, and they will be spending a few days in Taipei as well. Any suggestions on decent hotels/hostels? Explicit directions and/or street addresses would be appreciated; these folks have never been in Taiwan before and have zero language skills.

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Look here in this threat
forumosa.com/taiwan/viewtopi … 132#714132
or search “hotel” (by topic)

look up suntour hotel in taipei, bout 2500nt a nite i think. not cheap but good.

good location too.

What’s the budget? If you’re looking at hostels the one across the train station is nice, with new facilities. There’s also a foreign guy who runs a hostel which I have heard good things about.

Midweek there are always deals on hotels and even the Grand Hotel can be pretty affordable. There are a couple hotels in Bitan for under NT2000 and some of the Beitou places are around the same weekdays.

The budget is low. They are taking two months off; Taiwan, Thailand, and Australia. The hostel near the train station would be Taipei MAIN station I assume? That might be what they are looking for. Do you have the name of the place?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I was in the hotel near the MRT ming quan xi Rd last summer.
It is NT1800-2000 a night.
It is quiet and clean .

If they want to go the clean budget hotel route, there’s a place called “Rosemary Hotel” reasonably near the train station, and No 15, Lane 105, Sec. 1, Zhongshan North Rd. Tel. 02 2542 9511.

My sister and her boyfriend booked a room there for a few days last year. They actually booked it over the Internet from the UK, and I was a bit worried about that, as it’s hard to know what you’re getting that way. But I went there to check it out, and it was actually fine. Clean rooms with TV, ensuite bathrooms, and hot water machines. I can’t remember the room price but it’s in the budget hotel range, so more than a thousand (per double room) but less than two thousand.

The Rosemary’s actually a little closer to the Zhongshan MRT station than to Taipei Train Station, though the latter is still walkable – ten or fifteen minutes’ walk I think.

If they want something closer to the train station and a hundred or two NT cheaper, they could try the New Mayflower, on Chongqing Rd. (Phone no. 02 2311 0212, tell me if you need directions). I’ve stayed there a few times, but it’s a little run-down and has a decidedly more “budgety” feel than the Rosemary.

That’s excellent, joesax. I think that will do. If they need further directions, I’ll contact you.

Cheers! :notworthy: