Thats right, a suspect was held but released after not being charged. Happens all the time. Mr Deans is a suspect and has been charged and released on bail. That is a common pattern. I was detained outside of Carnegies not long ago by the police, on suspicion that I may have been drunk driving. I was tested and released when the breathalyser showed no alcohol in my system.[/quote]
But the pattern I was referring to contains a [url=Woman murdered in Gaoxiong (Kaohsiung) - #10 by igorveni his human rights"[/url] part, and that’s an important part of that pattern, in my view.
By the way, I take back and apologize for my earlier remark about the Grinch . I thought maybe you was fixin’ to start talkin’ ‘bout takin’ people out back and shootin’ 'em (but apparently that punishment is restricted to foreigners who give the one-finger salute).