A post that the grammar Nazis may be happy about

When I type up a post, I can’t leave just one space. It just looks too bunched up, too weird.

That said, I don’t see much difference between one and three spaces in the final product.

I think it’s something with the discourse software where some kind of “auto spacing after the full stop” edits text once it’s saved/Reply.

So now I feel a little silly with my two quick taps on the space bar habit.

When I accidentally start a post with a space I notice that it is always autocorrected in the published post. I’ve also noticed that when I type more than three periods in a row, it’s always autocorrected to three. So I think it does have something to do with the software itself.

Consider it light exercise. Talking of which, time for a brisk walk down the pub.

This is a fun one
Rees~Mogg best moments



Say what you like about the fake Winston, he is far better than the fake:…:sweat_smile:

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Thanks for that. :smile:

Pardon my colonial parochialism, but I had no idea who this guy is (and I had no idea what BD was referring to and probably wouldn’t have looked into it without your link to the Sun).

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After two pints of Timothy Tailor’s Landlord and two of Abingdon Bridge (a local tipple) I’m considering starting a thread to discuss punctuation fascism resulting from autocorrect. In my current state I feel it could be the thin end of the wedge.

Whilst preferring a single space after a full stop, I still support the right of those who prefer two spaces to be able to express themselves freely.

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It’s not so much autocorrected as parsed. Type as many spaces as you like; the result will be displayed with one space. The same goes for line breaks between paragraphs (maximum one blank line).

Also, it displays a triple dot ellipsis (…) no matter how many dots you type, as long as you type at least two.

If you’re perceiving a larger space (or more dots), that’s your human brain being human. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

HTML interprets multiple spaces as one space.

Imperial measurements? Srsly? I quite like Rees-Mogg, but that’s just daft.

It reminds me of a pompous essay by Peter Hitchens in which he argued that Imperial measurements are superior to Metric because they are incomprehensible, thus proving the superiority of Western Civilisation. Or something like that. I honestly couldn’t figure out what he was wittering on about.

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He means dumbasses can’t understand Imperial. That’s probably true but yeah metric is way more logical.

The irony is Rees…Mogg would rather die than being caught reading the Sun. The Sun however seems to like him.

Yes, that was basically his point. Following Hitchen’s logic to its reductio ad absurdum conclusion, though, we should adopt a system of measurement so completely arcane and abstruse that you have to have an IQ of 160 to understand it, because that would prove that we Westerners are even cleverer still.

Chavs still use imperial to weigh out their weed. “Wanna 1/8 mate , its the dog’s bollocks , can give ya a discount if up for an ounce”
Does this means British chavs are even superior lol :rofl:

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