I am going to have my school transfer my ARC to another school soon. The new school says that I need the tax forms from my old school from 2006. Question: I worked at one school from January 2006 to June 2006 and another school from Aug 2006 to December 2006. Do I need to hand in the tax forms from both schools or only from my current job?
If anybody out there has the answer, it would be greatly appreciated.
[quote=“Whole Lotta Lotta”]I am going to have my school transfer my ARC to another school soon. The new school says that I need the tax forms from my old school from 2006. Question: I worked at one school from January 2006 to June 2006 and another school from Aug 2006 to December 2006. Do I need to hand in the tax forms from both schools or only from my current job?
If anybody out there has the answer, it would be greatly appreciated.[/quote]
Most likely both.