A secondhand furniture store in hsinchu

hi guys I desperately need your help, i am looking for a secondhand furniture store in hsinchu, we wanted to get rid some of our living room stuff. Thank youuu looking foward for your help

Here’s some info that I found on the internet

  1. 新竹二手買賣 北台灣二手收購 家具回收
    0982-882-619 林先生 skychen899@gmail.com
    p.s 中部以北都有在收購喔!歡迎來電洽詢^^

  2. 明家二手家具收購買賣全省服務
    免費估價專線 0970-558381

or search here: mypaper.pchome.com.tw/lv6459

here is a map with all the stores I know of: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zcmm_c6sRSWo.kIltXouydPkE