A simple health rule that everybody can follow

I’m not sure why you are talking about glycogen, the form that animal cells store sugar in (see here for more info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycogen). Part of the problem with juice is that you get all the simple sugars with little of the more complex carbohydrates. Also, since it’s easier to drink than eat, you tend to consume more juice than you would fruit–think of how many oranges you go through making a cup of fresh-squeezed orange juice–and therefore more sugar.

And as someone else mentioned, fruits differ in their glycemic index and whole fruits tend to have a lower glycemic index than juices. See this site and others for more info on the glycemic index:http://www.brighamandwomens.org/healtheweightforwomen/special_topics/intelihealth1002.asp[/quote]

Also the fiber/roughage that you’d consume in addition to the juice makes it much better for your body.

okay that makes sense! i should have said glucose, the precusor to glycogen. fiber even cuts down on cholesterol, so it makes sense that it probably helps us synthesize glucose properly.