A small victory -The original story!

Ok, so many of you have read Dangermouse’s “Classic Post:unamused: about his standoff with a Taxi driver. What you may not know is that this story is actually a direct copycat from an encounter that Tash and I had months earlier. Although we don’t have any fancy pictures for our story like DM (we were too busy having a GENUINE encounter, not a copycat one) the veracity of our story can be corroborated by the numerous other people who we told this to back in February (and if necessary by dated emails to many recipients, including one named “.”). Ok, so now that that’s behind us let us proceed. You’ve already read the sequel, now here is the original story in it’s entirety.

If you enjoyed our story, please
click here
to read the edited version and help us win a fancy camera. Next time we will have pictures fo’ sho’!

[quote=“Erhu”]Ok, so many of you have read Dangermouse’s “Classic Post:unamused: about his standoff with a Taxi driver. What you may not know is that this story is actually a direct copycat from an encounter that Tash and I had months earlier. Although we don’t have any fancy pictures for our story like DM (we were too busy having a GENUINE encounter, not a copycat one) the veracity of our story can be corroborated by the numerous other people who we told this to back in February (and if necessary by dated emails to many recipients, including one named “.”). Ok, so now that that’s behind us let us proceed. You’ve already read the sequel, now here is the original story in it’s entirety.

If you enjoyed our story, please
click here
to read the edited version and help us win a fancy camera. Next time we will have pictures fo’ sho’![/quote]

WOW you girls have guts! that or too many coronas (without the lime)

:laughing: at you saying thankyou to their ‘Gan Ni!’

Good Luck with the FANCY camera :slight_smile:

I think he got back in the cab when he realised that Tash was a foot taller than he is.

Tash may be tall, but I’m sure it was the little one on the back who really scared him away.

Yeah, you neglected to mention that you two were at fault in your story. Nice victory. :s

What? You were both riding a bicycle designed for one person? Isn’t that also illegal and extremely dangerous? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it possible the Dangermouse staged the whole scene, hired a taxi driver (bought hime some binlang) and dressed up a friend as a cop? :s … all this to get fame and glory on Forumosa … to bad Maposquid isn’t in Taiwan anymore, we’ll never know the truth …

He only left because you were going to close your restaurant.

Original: Lawbreaking cyclists win the waiting game, and after wasting 15 minutes of everyone’s time, are scolded by locals for the trouble they caused. No victor.

Sequel (includes humorous photos/dialogue): Lawbreaking taxi driver loses the waiting game, and is punished by police. Victor: Everybody else.

Best story? Why, the one with the hot babes in it, of course. Duh!

Which, for a man in a kilt, must be the binlang chewing taxi driver. :wink:

[quote=“beef eater”]Original: Lawbreaking cyclists win the waiting game, and after wasting 15 minutes of everyone’s time, are scolded by locals for the trouble they caused. No victor.

Sequel (includes humorous photos/dialogue): Lawbreaking taxi driver loses the waiting game, and is punished by police. Victor: Everybody else.[/quote]

You are so wrong on that point. We were the victors. On several accounts

  1. He moved first.
  2. Tash learned a Taiwanese swear word.
  3. Our friends laughed at our funny story.
  4. Did you like the sequel? Thank us. DM would have never had that story if he hadn’t copycatted off our original.
  5. We’re going to win a fancy camera.
  6. Sandman called us hot babes.

We’ve gained so much already. It’s almost been too much.

To be fair, I can’t take much of the credit. I just happened to be on the back of the right bicycle at the right time. Tash was the one doing the driving. And for the record folks, she’s normally a good law-abiding bicyclist, it was only months later that she realized that the road outside Alleycats is a one-way. Please excuse her; she is from Croatia afterall. I don’t think they even have roads there. Or bicycles for that matter. Being in a developed, civil and orderly country like Taiwan can be a bit overwhelming for her sometimes, considering where she’s from.

Using Forumosa to spam your Fancy Write is most heinous and outrageous. Besides, your story is nowhere near as fancy as mine. What an absolute disgrace! You should be
of yourself and repent immediately.

Oh thanks llary, that reminds me. I forgot to add:

  1. We’re also the victors in knowing how much joy we’ve spread to the Forumosa community through our sharing of this fancy little story. Giving back to the community is what it’s all about.

If you are touched by this spirit of giving and would like to give something back in return, please
click here
to help an impoverished Croatian girl win a fancy camera. Thank you.

It is? I did not know that. Not that it would make any difference to me. I have EVERY right to drive in whichever direction I choose. Step aside, my good man! I’m BRITISH, don’t you know?

And you’re all wondering why Taiwan’s policy regarding foreigners are bordering on racist. You’re lucky you didn’t get a basball bat stuck on your head.

I’m back and I’m going to tell you what all the other men here are thinking but don’t dare to say:

Two women shouldn’t be frolicking around Taipei at night unescorted.

In fact, single women shouldn’t be traveling to foreign countries unescorted, nor settling down in foreign countries.

You’ve had your fun, you’ve proven “you can do everything boys can”, now go back home, find yourselves a couple of nice husbands and settle down while you can still make babies.



It is? I did not know that. Not that it would make any difference to me. I have EVERY right to drive in whichever direction I choose. Step aside, my good man!
, don’t you know?[/quote]

And with that, millions of deceased Scots turn in their graves…

[quote=“TPFKAT”]I’m back and I’m going to tell you what all the other men here are thinking but don’t dare to say:

Two women shouldn’t be frolicking around Taipei at night unescorted.

In fact, single women shouldn’t be traveling to foreign countries unescorted, nor settling down in foreign countries.

You’ve had your fun, you’ve proven “you can do everything boys can”, now go back home, find yourselves a couple of nice husbands and settle down while you can still make babies.[/quote]
This man is thinking these two women should get a clue before baselessly confronting Taiwanese people going about their daily business. I also think it would have been a nice touch if the women in question, after years of living here, had picked up enough of the language to communicate their misguided smug self-righteousness a little more succintly. Instead, obtuseness was the order of the day. Well done! You showed 'em! :bravo:

PS: [quote=“Tash”]As Erhu and I ride away from the scene the spectators shout “Gan ni! Gan ni!”[/quote]
I highly doubt they said Gan ni - that sounds like something a foreigner who didn’t know much Chinese would say. It was probably Gan ni niang, or another variation on the theme. Just saying… :bow: