A sweet Caribbean (Heiren) hoping for some sweet love one day

Yeah I mean I’ve had experiences with some Chinese women here who aren’t exactly tantamount to their more progressive counterparts… I act accordingly.

Unlike some who may be louder and more in-the-face, I’m not oblivious to how we “appear” because of Western culture and historical events. At the same time, the way I act has never made that a problem, so it being a case-by-case basis clearly means serious individuals are involved, and I’ve always considered that (to a certain degree) when choosing potential mates.

I enjoy maturity, and seeing that in the Taiwanese would be great!

Maturity, unfortunately, is in very short supply in Taiwan. But at least you’re not likely to experience any overt racism, from the young people at least.

That’s good. I’ve tough skin, anyway.

But, I would hope you are mixing up maturity with vibrance…

Milker makes a good point about the fear that some people have about black people, which more or less just boils down to fear of the unknown, and goes away in otherwise decent folk pretty quickly.

It’s true that there’s a fair share of young Taiwanese people who are emotionally stunted. Kind of hard to grow up when you can barely make enough to move out of your parents’ house. But this is true for a lot of the young generation in other parts of the world, too.

There’s still lots of Taiwanese who act their age. You just have to go out and meet them. Or you could date older. We usually age pretty well, anyway.


Hm. Good to consider.

I wonder how that would fare, I mean I would never not consider dating a Taiwanese because of their lack of money, as I wouldn’t want that for myself either. But in the cases where it affects how much adulting they can bring into a relationship, well…

But as you said, surely it takes some true soul searching to arrive at what you want. I don’t doubt that I will get there!