A Telephone Directory in English?

Where do you find an English Telephone Directory???

I’ve seen them at the airport (CKS) just as you get through immigartion and customs and enter the reception hall for arrivals.

Telecom will send it to you if you have a telephone line running on your name. It’s basically yellow pages with this funny section at the end.

The Community Services Center has them in stock - you can pop in and pick one up

I got the English version of the Chunghua Telecom phonebook from their Hsin Yi Office. I believe its on Hsin Yi rd, section 3. The Daan MRT is pretty close. I believe you have to go to the 9th floor to get it.

Occasionally you can pick one up at the World Trade Center Exhibition Hall. They don’t always have them, but have seem a stack a couple of times.

Only if you use your English name when you get a fixed line.

Popping into a Chunghua telecom office, you usually find stacks ready for grabbing.