A week of demos?

Going to work at a joy school soon. I had the impression that I was to be hired on this month, but the owner called me from the airport (on her way to canada for a two week vacation) to inform me that i would need to do a week of demo classes to determine whether the class will even be opened. I was assured that I would be paid for the demo classes and told to talk to her assistant while she was gone to arrange the demos. On the phone, her assistant was less sure of whether I would be paid for the demos or what the actual hourly rate would be once (if) I was hired. I asked to be paid after each demo until my contract starts, since I’ll have no way to collect otherwise. She said “we don’t do that” because “teacher relationships must be built on trust” :s

Red flags or incompetence? How do I handle this?

They’re taking the piss. Refuse to talk to anyone other than the owner until this is cleared up.

Run. I am not joking.

I’ll go talk to the assistant tomorrow, can’t hurt.

The assistant has no real authority. Talk to the boss. I wouldn’t step foot in the school until it is cleared up.

The assistant has no real authority. Talk to the boss. I wouldn’t step foot in the school until it is cleared up.[/quote]


What I don’t like is this “trust” nonsense. I am supposed to “trust” someone i’ve met only a handful of times? It seems that they don’t trust me, so why should I trust them?

Granted a week of demos isn’t much work, but I’d hate to work for free. Talking to the boss is impossible because she is in canada and that’s long distance.

[quote=“beautifulspam”]What I don’t like is this “trust” nonsense. I am supposed to “trust” someone i’ve met only a handful of times? It seems that they don’t trust me, so why should I trust them?

Granted a week of demos isn’t much work, but I’d hate to work for free. Talking to the boss is impossible because she is in canada and that’s long distance.[/quote]

At the very least, you need to have an agreement (in writing) that you will get paid for the demos. If the assistant cannot give you that, tell her to fuck off.

I’d walk away from that school. If they’re pulling shit like this from the start it’s not going to get better. Besides, if you get caught demoing without your ARC application in effect there could be serious problems.
They sound too fishy.

There are lots of jobs out there right now.


Granted a week of demos isn’t much work, but I’d hate to work for free. Talking to the boss is impossible because she is in canada and that’s long distance.[/quote]

I’m sure if the assistant HAS TO get in touch with the owner, she can. No email address?


Words like: ‘trust’ and ‘assured’ have very different meanings in Taiwan.

Plus, an assisstant has no control over the words coming from their mouth, they will do their best to not annoy thier boss, and in this case I reckon the person has answered your question (cos they have to ‘face’) (see a million threads on this confusing and often b.s. practice)) but doesn’t have any idea what they are saying.

Speak to manager, find out if assisstant is retard or symapthetic to a tight wad boss.


Bear in mind, too, that all Taiwan employers are liars. Especially yours.

Apparently the demo is for the parents, and the school doesn’t get paid for these classes. Hm…

Working a month or so while the ARC goes through is illegal, but standard practice. Thing is, my first employer in taiwan pulled stuff like this too, but after I signed the contract they were nice, and honest, to a fault.

I will ask for a written guarantee of payment for the demos. I can’t think of any reason why they couldn’t give me that.

So what? That is their policy… they don’t charge for the classes… but, they expect to gain from the classes eventually. Its absurd to expect people to work for free.

It’s certainly illegal to do this, but moreover, I think the boss is using you to cover a teacher’s absence. Perhaps you won’t even get the job when the teacher comes back.

It’s not a good thing, IMHO.


What the school asked you to do is illegal. People in the past have been busted for doing this and immediately deported. Deportation means that you can’t come back to Taiwan within 5 years time. It’s not a joke; it’s not a game.

You sound desperate despite the warnings posted. Run away and spend the 1 week looking for other employment. Do not do it. Please.

[quote=“beautifulspam”]Going to work at a joy school soon. I had the impression that I was to be hired on this month, but the owner called me from the airport (on her way to canada for a two week vacation) to inform me that i would need to do a week of demo classes to determine [color=red]whether [/color]the class [color=red]will [/color]even be [color=red]opened[/color]. I was assured that I would be paid for the demo classes and told to talk to her assistant while she was gone to arrange the demos. On the phone, her assistant was less sure of [color=red]whether I would be paid [/color]for the demos or what the [color=red]actual hourly rate[/color] would be once color=red I was hired[/color]. I asked to be paid after each demo until my contract starts, since I’ll have no way to collect otherwise. She said “we don’t do that” because “teacher relationships must be built on trust” :s

Red flags or incompetence? How do I handle this?[/quote]

Red flags…all the way.

This school sounds irresponsible. If they are this way before you begin working for them, they’re likely to be even more so afterwards.

Don’t work until you’ve spoken to the person in charge and have the details in writing.

Even if it worked out for you at your old school, why put yourself through this anxiety again? You have experience now. You’re qualified to get a better–more secure and better-paying–position.

What you are doing is totally illegal and they know it! Run as fast as you can from them. They have no problems breaking the laws of their own country why would they even think twice about screwing you?

Sounds like this…

Boss suddenly has a class open up. (For whatever reason.)
You are new to her. She doesn’t want to risk giving you a full time job because you might suck.
You are new here so she can make up shit. On way to airport she makes up shit about a week of demo. That way, if you suck, she can boot you. She calls you quickly and tells you this decision she has made, but says it is company policy. (Is this a lie or not? Depends on who you are.) You phone assistant who has no idea what you are on about, but doesn’t want to upset the boss, so assistant is as vague as possible, also not wanting to put their own neck on the line. Situation understood.

I reckon the boss WILL pay out, but this boss shows early signs of manipulation and decepetiveness.

Anyhoo, what she is asking you to do is totally illegal and could easily get you deported. Read other peoples horror stories if you will.

I’ve worked at a Joy School and it is not company policy to do a week of demos. As a matter of fact, you do your demo in front of adults and not actual students. She just wants a free sub. If you do go through with it, don’t be surprised if she calls you from Canada to tell you that the parents happen to want another week of demo to be sure that you’re the right teacher for their kids. And then when she comes back…

Bam! Back on the street. Your demo “will have failed.” Just in time for her to come back and take over the class again.