Stray dogs are all too common in Taiwan. Thinking about how overwhelming and frustrating the whole problem must be for all those animal lovers who try to rescue and help these animals, I wonder what the government in Taiwan does to prevent dog owners to get rid of their animals.
Is there any way to make the owners of abandoned dogs accountable for throwing away their pets? Should it be mandatory for all owners to register their dogs, and implant chips or tattoo animals so that the owners can be traced back and fined when a stray dog is found? Would it be possible to make any dog sale without registration illegal? I think there are probably many ways for heartless people to get rid of dogs despite registration by destroying the evidence (either the dogs themselves or the chip/tattoo) but at least the average Joe would obey by the law, right?
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: … oooh… Taiwanese?.. obey the law?..:roflmao: :roflmao: ah ha haha… good one!..
but seriously, the ideas you suggest are great hannes, blatantly obvious, basic legislation that would go along way to at least putting dent in the stray animal crisis/tragedy that Taiwan has… problem is on “Planet Taiwan” laws only get passed if enough people care enough to hassle their corrupt legislator of choice, and the majority of Taiwanese people only care about things that will benefit themselves personally, and preferably financially… laws that protect animals and limit the unethical heathen scumbags from making money in their unregulated pet shops and puppy mills would be like holy garlic water on a vampire to the Taiwanese… (cue: “I’m melting…” cut scene)… but even if there were such laws today, it wouldn’t help, as I’m sure you know, in Taiwan the “police” and “government” don’t bother about any laws that can’t be anonymously enforced through photos sent in the mail, although those they enfore with an iron fist…
The day Taiwan has well set up, well funded and well enforced animal cruelty laws and departments is the day I will admit Taiwan has ceased to be a pseudo third world semi-slum… I’m predicting this may indeed happen sometime in the near future, perhaps around 2307…
I visited website Council of Agriculture to check the relevant regulations.
I found that we have regulations to request dog owners have their dogs implanted chips; otherwise they would be fined from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.
And according to Animal Protection Law, animal owners would be fined from NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 if they abandon animals, and the fine would raise to NT$20,000 to NT$100,000 if the situation could endanger environment.
So it seems that the problem is caused by inefficient regulation execution.
[quote=“kate.lin”]I visited website Council of Agriculture to check the relevant regulations.
I found that we have regulations to request dog owners have their dogs implanted chips; otherwise they would be fined from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.
And according to Animal Protection Law, animal owners would be fined from NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 if they abandon animals, and the fine would raise to NT$20,000 to NT$100,000 if the situation could endanger environment.
So it seems that the problem is caused by inefficient regulation execution.[/quote]
the key word there kate.lin is “request”… there is no law that states you must have your pet registered and chipped when you buy it… there are no laws that force pet stores to register the pets they sell or the places they get them from… there are no laws that say people who already have pets must go and get them registered…
plus like you said there is zero enforcement of the laws anyway… and it’s not “inefficient execution” like you so coyly say, but utterly non existant execution of these laws… I would be astounded if the goverment can provide proof that anyone has ever been chraged and fined for dumping their pets… hell, second to baseball “dumping your pets in the mountains” is like a national sport in central and southern Taiwan and I would doubt Taipei is any better…
Since some laws and regulations seem to be in place it all comes down to law enforcement then, like so often in Taiwan…
I really would like to see those bastards throwing away dogs financing all the rescue efforts and shelters by paying stiff fines. Maybe they could also be sentenced to do some community service, like removing dog poop in shelters?
Sure, the government has much more important things to deal with, like renaming memorial halls for example…
It has been said many times before on a multitude of topics, in Taiwan you can pass any law you want because it won’t be enforced.
All those laws look great on paper, but nobody gives a shit You can pretty much do anything you want and if you get caught a few “pai says and a hong bao” buys you a free pass.
Animal cruelty laws indeed, Jesus! they can’t even get people to stop driving on the sidewalks, how far down the list do you think giving a shit about animals is, this is a place where compassion and civility are seen as weakness of character, rather than strengths.
I live in a neighborhood where people go to abandon their dogs, most of the time it is done from a moving car. Do what you can in your local area, don’t wait for laws or public values to change. Catch neuter and release, feed them, pay vet bills out of your own pocket, do what you can.
A new has just passed the first round of acceptance and, should it come into effect, would mean jail terms for those who abuse, abandon, or neglect animals.
But, a law is nothing without enforcement.
Having said that, our vet called in the authorities for an abandonment case and they took it very seriously, threatening the owner with a NT$50,000 fine; he was allowed to take the dog back (not sure if that’s the best result for the dog), but I was glad to see the due process in action.
I wish I could have got the pricks that dropped off these two little guys. I found them in a cardboard box tonight while walking my dogs. I’m so pissed off right now thinking about how a person can just leave them there like that. I’ve gotten used to street dogs here and have come to accept them as part of the “local wildlife.” However, these two are far from wild and have been taken away from their mum way to early and have little chance of getting by on their own. I already have four dogs and I told myself that I can’t pick up any more, but I feel like I can’t let this go. It just makes me so mad.
If anyone in the Taichung area would be willing to foster these guys a bit, I’d pay for everything they need until they find a home. I’m starting vet school in Sept. and getting married in Oct. so I’m really spread thin right now. On top of that I already have four dogs, one of which I’ve been treating for a severe case of demodex for the past 5 months.
I know that it’s a long shot that anyone will be able to help out, but I figured I’d give it a try. The only options I have at this point are to find someone who can look after them or just leave them out there. They look like beagle mixes and they are cute as hell, so their chances of getting adopted are probably pretty high. I just hope someone can help them out in the meantime.
Well, the white puppy got adopted last weekend to a good owner and we are very hopeful that the brown one will be able to find a home soon as well. He has gotten his first set of vaccinations and is doing great. I gave him is first lesson in walking on a leash on Tuesday. He put up a bit of a fight at first, but it was no time before he fell into line by my side. He’s a great dog and I wish I could keep him myself. I just have to be strong and remind myself that I already have four other good dogs at home.
I just wish I knew who got rid of them. I’d love to see them held accountable for being so neglectful.