I’m pro-plant. The other day my wife wanted to buy some baby carrots at Costco,and I exploded! It’s bad enough that we ripped these poor things out of the ground at a moment’s notice, but going after the young?
tsk tsk
And don’t get me started on BREATHING! All those innocent bacteria floating around just lambs to the slaughter at the white blood cell cafe.
You must be joking. I had this same conversation the other day with a man trying to get me to eat shark fin soup (which I won’t because of how it is harvested) saying that since I eat other fish I shouldn’t have any problems with cruelly harvested sharks.
You must be joking. I had this same conversation the other day with a man trying to get me to eat shark fin soup (which I won’t because of how it is harvested) saying that since I eat other fish I shouldn’t have any problems with cruelly harvested sharks.[/quote]
“Get the FUCK away from me, you dumb prick! Don’t you know that staggering numptiness is catching!” That’s all you need in this scenario. No need for a conversation, as such.
You must be joking. I had this same conversation the other day with a man trying to get me to eat shark fin soup (which I won’t because of how it is harvested) saying that since I eat other fish I shouldn’t have any problems with cruelly harvested sharks.[/quote]I think I would have told him I don’t eat the fins because they are laced with mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals. The brain damage would explain how could he not understand that finning sharks is cruel and unjust, or what those words even mean.
You must be joking. I had this same conversation the other day with a man trying to get me to eat shark fin soup (which I won’t because of how it is harvested) saying that since I eat other fish I shouldn’t have any problems with cruelly harvested sharks.[/quote]
No, I’m not kidding. (I know this is all off-topic, but whatever.)
I think it’s hypocritical if you’re offended by the sight of a dog locked in a tiny cage and yet have no problems eating chicken, which are also locked in tiny cages. Either you think that animal suffering is a valid moral concern or you don’t. If you think it is a valid moral concern, then you’re compelled to become vegetarian, since I’m sure your yearly consumption of meat adds more animal suffering to the universe than all the stray dog beatings in Taiwan combined. (Well, if you’re vegetarian in order to reduce the amount of animal suffering in the world, you certainly could make exceptions for animals that do not have the capacity to feel pain.) If you don’t think animal suffering is a concern, then the sight of someone locking up a dog in a tiny cage should be no different to you than the sight of someone locking a carrot in a tiny cage.
Note that I’m not saying whether animal suffering is a valid moral concern or not. I’m a meat-eater myself, so you can guess which side of the equation I fall on, but I respect people who do believe that reducing animal suffering is a noble goal.
“Get the FUCK away from me, you dumb prick! Don’t you know that staggering numptiness is catching!” That’s all you need in this scenario. No need for a conversation, as such.[/quote]
I have a mantra. When dealing with stupid people I repeat over and over in my head “$1000 an hour. $1000 an hour.” And I keep smiling pleasantly.
No, I’m not kidding. (I know this is all off-topic, but whatever.)
I think it’s hypocritical if you’re offended by the sight of a dog locked in a tiny cage and yet have no problems eating chicken, which are also locked in tiny cages. Either you think that animal suffering is a valid moral concern or you don’t. If you think it is a valid moral concern, then you’re compelled to become vegetarian, since I’m sure your yearly consumption of meat adds more animal suffering to the universe than all the stray dog beatings in Taiwan combined. (Well, if you’re vegetarian in order to reduce the amount of animal suffering in the world, you certainly could make exceptions for animals that do not have the capacity to feel pain.) If you don’t think animal suffering is a concern, then the sight of someone locking up a dog in a tiny cage should be no different to you than the sight of someone locking a carrot in a tiny cage.
Note that I’m not saying whether animal suffering is a valid moral concern or not. I’m a meat-eater myself, so you can guess which side of the equation I fall on, but I respect people who do believe that reducing animal suffering is a noble goal.[/quote]
What you are saying essentially is that if someone doesn’t go 100% into helping they shouldn’t try to help at all. So if someone does a little bit that negatively affects animals than they should turn a blind eye to everything that does? This is stupid. 5% here and 10% there can add up. This kind of mindframe is very detrimental to any cause.
[quote=“fenlander”]Chickens are not at all dumb. If you worked on a non factory chicken farm you would know that.
But i eat them anyway.[/quote]
I grew up on a farm mate. Chickens wer just a part of the livestock. Good for booting up the arse cause they dumb M.F.ers git in the way.
They not too smart that when you grab one and chop it’s head off before you let it run aroudn the yard the others too dumb to runaway before they suffer the same fate.
My blue heelers just loved dumb chickens to play with.
They are not as dumb as most people think and recent studies suggest they may even be as smart as some primates.
Probably smarter than your Alsations that were killing them. How did your alsations fair against the roosters ?[/quote]
Dunno I never had Alsations… Nowhere does this link state that chickens are as smart as primates.
And it was the Blue Heelers a lot of kills Chickens nil
Also I never noticed that these chickens recovered from their headless traumas to repair their brains. Especially as the bodies were cooked immediately after… yummy Free range chickens are great.
I always love this talk of killing animals humanely. Now I’ve had to put down a few old farm dogs and other animals. Always humanely with a bullet thru the head if possible. Sometimes the cows would refuse to play dead though.
The animals that needed shooting more often than not were the packs of dogs that would roam the farms killing sheep at night. Pesky buggers that the .303 usually took care of.
The issue of suffering has very little to do with intelligence. Imagine if someone…say, your son, were in an accident in which he suffered massive brain damage. His intelligence level becomes comparable to a chicken’s. However he is still capable of eating food, walking around, receiving comfort from loved ones, and feeling pain. Is it acceptable for others to lock him in a cage for the rest of his life and slice off his nose with a hot blade? If not, why not? If he’s as dumb as a chicken, what difference does it make?
I’m a meat eater too, and I agree that eating meat is natural and obviously there are lots of predatory animals. However, I always buy free range chicken, eggs from free range chickens, grass fed beef, and milk from grass fed cows. There’s no reason to contribute to massive suffering when the free range option is available at a slightly higher cost. The conditions that most domestic animals live in these days is horrendous. The chickens are usually placed in tiny cages that would be too small for even one chicken, but are usually stuffed in three or four to a cage. To prevent them from pecking each other to death, the “farmers” or whatever you choose to call those butchers slice off the chickens’ beaks with hot blades. No analgesia of any kind is administered. Keep in mind that chickens primary method of interacting with the world is through their beaks, and those beaks are major nerve centers. It would be comparable to someone burning out your eyes and ears with a hot poker.
You make a good point. However, apart from the suffering inflicted on the animals, free range chickens and grass fed cows taste better. Also, I think that free range and grass eating barnyard animals are more sanitary and less likely to cause diseases such as bird flu from leaping over to humans. I read an article about it a while ago, but not sure of the details, also nopt sure if there is any scientific data to back the theory. I just think a happier healthier animal makes for better eating. And hell, we’re gonna eat the poor beast anyway (there’s no way I’ll ever be able to go vegan) so his time on this termite mound may as well be happy, yeah?
this thread has now wandered so far off topic that if we keep it going it’ll prolly get back on topic by a process of random elimination of all other topics…