About the KMT's headquarters

Hello… I was wondering if somebody here knows that if the new KMT’s headquarters, located on Bade Road, is a building wich has been bought by the party, or it’s just a rented one. I’d also like to know how much did the party pay, if it bought it, or how much does it pay montly or yearly, if it rents.

I’ve seen a picture of the new building, but somewhere I read that only 2 of the floors of the whole building are the headquarters per se… I’d like a confirmation (if the headquarters is the whole building, or just 2 floors of it).

It would be great to show me some pictures (of the inner part), or some links.

And, if anyone knows, i’d like to know the same information about the DPP headquarters (which, I don’t know where it is in Taibei).

Does any of you have pictures of the old KMT headquarters with the evergreen logotype?


WHY? whats it to you?

edit: didnt want to seem mean. just wanted to know whats up? :slight_smile: