Accomodation in Kenting for Spring Scream

I’m a Canadian coming to visit for 2 weeks and want to check out Spring Scream. Anyone have any info on cheap/moderate priced accomodations?



I’m a Canadian coming to visit for 2 weeks and want to check out Spring Scream. Anyone have any info on cheap/moderate priced accomodations?


There is quite a lot of information about this, but when searching for it you might get thrown by the varies spellings. Search for Kenting as well as Kending, along with key words like accommodation (there are two Ms in it), hotel and hostel. Happy searching.

I’m a Canadian coming to visit for 2 weeks and want to check out Spring Scream. Anyone have any info on cheap/moderate priced accomodations?



A brave man would assume free accomodation depending on his particular accomplishments on the said evening.

Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep on the beach.
When you wake up the sunburn will cripple you for a week.
Erm…so I’ve heard. :blush:

I’ve never been to Kending, so I don’t know anything about it firsthand, but there’s some information about it on the 'net.

This page from Taiwan Fun Magazine’s website mentions a few hotels in Kending.

Here’s a Forumosa thread from 2005 that mentions accommodations in Kending.

Here’s a Taiwan Ho! thread from 2006 that mentions a Teacher’s Hostel in Kending.

This webpage mentions a Catholic Student Activity Center that seems to be some kind of hostel.

The Fat Tire webpage, above, links to a Spring Scream website that has a page that gives a little bit of information about accommodations; that page is here.

Hope this helps.

There’s a lot of campsites in Kending, too. Don’t really know how to describe where they are because I’ve only been a few times and haven’t driven. I’m sure the locals will know. Also, I don’t know the prices during Spring Scream, but when I’ve gone it’s always been 200 NT a person, plus they have tents for rent. I think there’s more info in a camping thread here.

Thankx for all the help…mucho apprecaited!
