Account rules for a resident visa to show proof of funds

If any of you folks are wondering if proof of funds needs to be via a Taiwanese Account, the answer is: YES - kind of sorta (as told to me by BOCA)

I tried to show proof of funds to survive in Taiwan (minimum required$2000US) via my home bank account statements from the US. They rejected them saying that I have to prove I am able to withdrawal from that account from within Taiwan. How do you do that? By showing BOCA receipts from Taiwan ATM’s or banks showing the withdrawal.

I objected at the BOCA Visa counter and said that I do not wish to withdrawal money from that account just yet because I have enough Traveler’s checks to tide me over for a couple more months. BOCA said no can do. On that basis and that basis alone, my Resident Visa Application was rejected and I had to opt for one last visitor visa extension.

I am praying my criminal history gets here in time so I can get that oh so hard to get JFRV. I swear I am throwing a party when this is all over! :smiling_imp:

No proof of funds in required to get a resident visa for the purpose of working - because you will have an income. I guess you are applying for a resident visa to study or some other non-working purpose.