Account Suspended on Facebook

I took affront to someone calling Mexicans vile thieves, drug dealers and rapists on a New York Times page (of all places) on Facebook, and got told I’m promulgating “hate speech”!
Seriously, what the fuck?
The internet gets weirder by the day.

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Did you appeal it? I actually had a similar situation once and appealed and they reinstated the comment.

Because they have idiotic algorithms, I assume, that scoop up anything you said out of context.

It’s a blessing, not a curse.

It’s only a day. I can live without Facebook for a day. What I’m more interested in is why me barking at a racist is considered “hate speech”.

Why are you barking at anyone? It’s something I ask myself from time to time.

I don’t miss facebook. Or TV =D


Uhh, ohhhh.
Your social credit just tanked.
You better go check to see if your EasyCard still works.


fucc the zucc

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It’s probably someone speed reading 10,000 comments in an hour and they whiffed is my guess. Or some jerk turned you in out of spite and it worked.

I’ve already canned my FB account for some time now!

JD, I bark because I deplore racism and discrimination of any kind. Is there something wrong with making a noise about that? People need to bark, otherwise it becomes institutionalized and normal.


YOu’re barking on the internet. Have you seen IP in this place? It’s GOOD here. lol

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It’s also because most of the flags for inappropriate speech are algorithm driven so if someone doesnt like what you said, they can all flag your message as spam or vulgar, and if the system gets enough complaints it will automatically suspend you

Nobody’s actually reading what you said, it’s based on number of complaints.


Even if it was human error, some people (I’m not naming names) claim not to know the difference between a swastika and a NO45 sign. This is just fakebook showing itself for what it is. :upside_down_face:

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Happy New Year, @jimipresley, to you and yours.

I hope I’ll be forgiven for being a Doc Daneeka or one of the Four Yorkshiremen now, but don’t worry, I don’t have the energy to tell you the whole boring story of how, a few years ago, I was permanently banned from Facebook for a laundry list of things that they said I’d done “one or more” of (things that I didn’t even know how to do), and how Facebook apologized and reversed themselves, but kept briefly disabling my account (I would wait a little bit and log back on, usually with no problem, and they finally stopped).

I told an old acquaintance about it, and he just nonchalantly said, “You’re dealing with robots.” He didn’t mean that the people who worked there were robots, but his statement sort of implied that robots were running the show. (Now, I ain’t saying that, but I think that’s what he meant).

Anyway, they haven’t messed with me in a long time, so I guess the Charlie Jack account went “six percent over budget,” and I hope they don’t have enough in their budget to mess with you anymore:


Yes its a blessing. Most likely means you are a good honest fair person. Take it as a complement.

alternatively just f’ing forget about fb