Accurate belly fat scanner

A girlfriend or wife, husband, boyfriend, SO squeezing your belly and gives you the ‘weird’ look?

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Obesity is essentially a defense mechanism; it’s your body dumping excess carbs into landfill to maintain a hard constraint on blood sugar, and if it doesn’t have enough landfill it’ll make more. In men it’s around the belly; in women, hips and thighs. In both sexes you’ll also accumulate fat around your internal organs (visceral fat). Correctly-functioning energy storage is a completely different proposition - you don’t need much subcutaneous fat to perform that function.

If you stop eating shit, your body will discard all that excess first. Both belly fat and visceral fat typically starts eroding within weeks when people fix their diets.

This is a myth too. Steady-state cardio does nothing whatsoever for bodyfat partitioning. In fact if you combine it with caloric restriction it can actually make things worse.

Dieticians just make this stuff up. What happens in the real world is of no interest to them.


The mirror is the best
If you look fat
You BE fat

Discussions and excuses not needed

What am I? It’s dumped everywhere.

It’s 2020. You can be anything you want :slight_smile:

Boy do I wish this were true. Do you have a scientific article? I did a google search, and what I found was that you lose fat last at whatever area you want to lose it at. That’s how it got flabby there in the first place.

What do you mean by make things worse?

Google is your friend, but unfortunately the sort of friend who turns up drunk on your doorstep at 3am, with a tall story, wanting to borrow money. 99.8% of the stuff you read about “weight loss” and “healthy eating” is made-up drivel. You can find out whether it’s drivel by testing it. If it doesn’t work, it’s drivel. I’ll put my tinfoil hat on here, and just state that most of the health advice is funded by people who benefit financially from keeping people fat and ill.

If you want to find out how it actually works, read a physiology textbook. Unfortunately all the details are scattered in multiple places, and it’s hard to get a real overview of the way your body manages energy storage without going off into a very deep rabbithole.

Normal human beings don’t carry more fat than is necessary. Remember that bodyfat is an organ; its purpose is to store and recycle energy. If you have too much of it, it’s because you’re eating in a way that demands a vast amount of bodyfat.

“Losing weight” isn’t even a thing. If you’re eating a healthy diet, you’ll not carry much fat. If you “need to lose weight”, then by definition your diet is unhealthy.

It can cause you to retain fat. If your body senses that you have very little food coming in and a high activity level, it will conserve fat, because that’s the optimal method of keeping you alive. Your internal metabolic machinery knows nothing about the “eat less and move more” theory. All it knows is, if there’s a food shortage, burning through bodyfat is a good way of dying.

The most effective exercises for losing fat are those that build muscle, because muscle represents an alternative power path for incoming food-energy; if you don’t have much muscle, the only place your body can put excess carbohydrates is in your fat cells.

If you work out and watch your diet you lose fat, not weight. Muscle is heavier than fat, so if you gain muscle you can end up being heavier.

Potentially true, yes. Like I said, the whole concept of “losing weight” is a bit silly.