Ran out of acne medication, and can’t find over the counter medications that work… anyone have any advice on where I could go, or what techniques I can use? I have an ARC card, and am willing to pay a moderate amount for effective treatment.
Anyone have any suggestions on good dermatologists or treatment products? I’m open to all forms of treatment.
Welcome to Forumosa Angel. My partner is a skin care consultant and may be able to help you. She has had success treating some serious acne problems PM (Private Message) me if you are interested in her phone number.
This is THE guy in Taiwan for dermo, laser and all that other shit.
Hi, I know for a fact that the ‘acne no more’ product is one of the best natural and holistic approaches to skin problems…this site has reviwed it in great detail and is worth looking at www.stopacne.acneremedyx.com. Seriously I really do think that a natural approach will be far more effective in the long run…I tried anti biotics from the doctors and although they helped a bit it was natural alternatives that cured me…good luck!
**** I am not a doctor, and I am only giving my own opinions, not medical advice. See a dermatologist for medical advice ***
I had severe cystic acne from when I was 12 onward. When I was a teenager, it was just small ones, but all over. The adult acne was the worst as up until 2 years ago, my face was covered in large, red, angry cysts. Now it has calmed down 90%, with just the odd ones appearing and going away in a day.
I will give you my opinion, but if you are anything like me you won’t want to do this.
If you change your diet (eating much more vegetables) and less junk food, it will help immensely. I know people say that doesn’t work, but for me it did. Test it for 2 weeks. If you eat any fried, spicy, oily foods, stop that and eat vegetables with chicken, fish etc. Then let me know about your acne at that point.
I tried all the other treatments. You can try them too but here was my results
Antibiotics : the acne cleared but the skin was still really read and inflamed, and super oily. After I had digestion problems for a long time afterward.
Acutane: It cleared up my acne but it came back after 9 months. My face peeled, my lips were the size of sausages, my bones cracked and still do. I would not recommend it to my worst enemy, but I stupidly used it 3 times with the same results. It does work for some but please read the side effect booklet carefully as this is not a medication you want to play with
Gels, Benzerol Peroxide, etc… A very drying effect. The acne in some cases got worse for me as my skin was very inflamed from using these.
I had even went to a dermatologist who used a small knife to break open all the cysts once a week. This worked but there was always another 10 under the skin ready to come up anyway. Plus all the scabs from the ones he cut.
Because my skin was so sensitive, none of the other treatments worked so it was only time in my case that got rid of the acne (I’m 30)
You can try some of the above treatments but as I said, in my case it didn’t work. I really recommend you do a diet test for the two weeks and report back. Just don’t cheat while on the diet to get an accurate result.
Tea tree oil has worked for me. I had bacne from my freshman year of high school all the way up to this year. Several months ago I bought some 100% tea tree oil and 2% tea tree oil soap. My shoulders and back have completely cleared up and now I just use the soap. If I get the occasional zit I’ll put a dab of tea tree oil on it and by the next day it’s either gone or significantly smaller. I know that there are studies which have shown that soap with 5% tea tree oil used over a period of 3 months is as effective as benzoyl peroxide but without the side effects. But a 5% solution is impossible to find. I don’t know why. Almost all tea tree oil soaps are around 1%.
If you do use tto, remember to first test it on a small patch of skin. You don’t want to use it all over your body and then find out you’re allergic to it.
[quote=“shengou”]Tea tree oil has worked for me. I had bacne from my freshman year of high school all the way up to this year. Several months ago I bought some 100% tea tree oil and 2% tea tree oil soap. My shoulders and back have completely cleared up and now I just use the soap. If I get the occasional zit I’ll put a dab of tea tree oil on it and by the next day it’s either gone or significantly smaller. I know that there are studies which have shown that soap with 5% tea tree oil used over a period of 3 months is as effective as benzoyl peroxide but without the side effects. But a 5% solution is impossible to find. I don’t know why. Almost all tea tree oil soaps are around 1%.
Hmm, never heard of that one. Any suggestions where this is available?
I am having acne problem for years, when it gets more intensive I am ending up on antibiotics but they’re killing my stomach. My boyfriend was suggesting acutante but it’s for more serious cases than me. So maybe the tea tree oil would work~~
I was prescribed this (isotretinoin is the generic name) aged 16, with pretty remarkable results. As you say though, it’s heavy duty stuff that you really don’t want to fuck around with. The side effects were quite unpleasant, but it did the job for me. Happily, although my acne was pretty severe, you can’t really see the scarring under normal lighting conditions.
I would also second the advice about diet. Try going full-on health freak for a month, and see if it helps.
[quote=“mukashi”]Hmm, never heard of that one. Any suggestions where this is available?
I am having acne problem for years, when it gets more intensive I am ending up on antibiotics but they’re killing my stomach. My boyfriend was suggesting acutante but it’s for more serious cases than me. So maybe the tea tree oil would work~~[/quote]
I get mine at the local drug store. But I kind of lucked out with it. I haven’t seen it at any other drug store. If you speak Mandarin you can try asking a legit massage place if they know. It might be a bit expensive though. I pay 350 for 10 ml of Thursday’s Plantation TTO.
I got this tube here,orange and white colour and it works miraculously on my acne.
The name is ROYALSENSE Acne Gel made by a company named “Sinphar” , ingredient is Clindamycin (as phosphate) 10 mg, it costs about NT$ 180 at some drugstores. It is a chinese product, transparent, but you need to search in some local drugstores.
I also use Oxy that can be bought at any Watson but that thing irritates badly the skin.
About tea tree oil, you can buy it at Body Shop, it is a little dark green bottle that costs about NT$ 350. Don’t buy the tea tree oil made by from Burt’s Bee, that oil actually increased my acne. The tea tree oil from Body Shop stinks but it works somehow. I still prefer the Royalsense (written together on the tube), it doesn’t have any smell, doesn’t irritate the skin, works really well.
[quote=“robert the bruce”]I got this tube here,orange and white colour and it works miraculously on my acne.
The name is ROYALSENSE Acne Gel made by a company named “Sinphar” , ingredient is Clindamycin [/quote]
Aren’t you worried that putting antibiotic on your skin will weed out the weak bacteria and select the badass one on your face?
I used to apply Dalacin (another trade name of Clindamycin) and, while it did solve my acne problem for a while, it also gave me a nasty, antibiotic-resistant
skin infection. Since then I stopped using products and waited until the acne cleared by itself.
[quote=“Novaspes”][quote=“robert the bruce”]I got this tube here,orange and white colour and it works miraculously on my acne.
The name is ROYALSENSE Acne Gel made by a company named “Sinphar” , ingredient is Clindamycin [/quote]
Aren’t you worried that putting antibiotic on your skin will weed out the weak bacteria and select the badass one on your face?
I used to apply Dalacin (another trade name of Clindamycin) and, while it did solve my acne problem for a while, it also gave me a nasty, antibiotic-resistant
skin infection. Since then I stopped using products and waited until the acne cleared by itself.[/quote]
I swear by this product, it cleared my acne in two days. Acne is also bacteria, pus, oil, this product took care of it, it is cheaper than tree oil, Oxy (which actually causes excessive dryness and red skin), some people put erytromycin, isotretinoin cream which I never tried because they are much more expensive. Here they also sell tubes of neomycin ointment for skin cuts, skin boils. If you go to a dermatologist he will prescribe gentamicyn cream which they pack in those small containers for boils, this is what the doctor prescribed for me once in Taiwan.
Ironically, I’ve been doing extensive research on this topic for the last few days as I’ve had time off from work and I have been most impressed and motivated by OCM or the Oil Cleansing Method. It’s a home remedy used to treat a wide array of skin problems ranging from acne to blackheads to dark circles to blemishes. I found that the following video did the best job of summing up the reason why it works, coming up with your perfect combination and the process of actually using the oils to cleanse your skin. It is supposed to work for all skin types and I have yet to find a poor review. I started using the oils this evening and I’m going to continue experimenting with the different combinations to find my perfect match. I have also read that taking 50 mg of Zinc every night with your meal is awesome for treating acne. If you suffer from redness then applying 100% Aloe Vera Gel to your face nightly is supposed to reduce the redness. Of course everyone’s skin is different and the steps everyone has to take to have clear skin is different. For me, I know that I need to drink more water, touch my face less, sleep on my back, wash my pillow case and washcloths more regularly and eat a more balanced diet. I am taking steps to accomplish these goals. I hope this helps!
I can vouch for making changes to your diet as the best way to control acne long term. Since virtually cutting out all dairy products(except for a little butter here and there) and limiting my intake of sugar and junk food, my face breaks out far less than before the diet changes and not at all when I can keep strictly to a dairyless, sugarless diet. Eating foods like salmon and cantaloupe also help keep my skin clear. I take fish oil tablets daily and drink lots of water. Once I made these changes, I noticed the difference right away. People who’re prone to acne generally can’t eat a normal diet without having breakouts. That’s the breaks.
If you can’t go the healthy diet route(requires much discipline but very doable), have a friend or family member send you some Proactiv or Acnefree(from Walmart) from the states, if possible. Or just go to see a dermatologist and try some medication.
Anyone know where tea tree oil can be purchased in Taipei?
Shopee. Search for 茶樹油. Several local suppliers.