Shadow by, on Flickr
Please contact me if you are interested in adopting Shadow. Shadow is a 5 week old male kitten.
More pics:
And video clips: … 060773.mp4
Shadow by, on Flickr
Please contact me if you are interested in adopting Shadow. Shadow is a 5 week old male kitten.
More pics:
And video clips: … 060773.mp4
As a satisfied customer, I am pleased to say kittens from havilina’s care are well rounded, with lots of spark and wit. They make wonderful companios, having been taken care of with lots of TLC. Please be assured they meet the highest quality standards in terms of playfulness, cuteness and gorgeousness. Look at those eyes, those cute feet. Give him a warm, loving home, and you’ll have your own Shadow.
More pics available of Shadow: … .633781395
That second link is not working for me. She’s so pooey!
Video clips: … 060763.mp4
Wonderful job as always, havilina! :bravo:
Aw man, Shadow is such a cutie.
Also, these fellows are guaranteed for durability. My Icon is almost 10 years old, and performs feats as 2 meter high jumps with amazing grace.