A week after we got Ulli and Sam off to Molly (see topic 'Ulli and Sam found real life surrogate mother, for now…), we collected Twinkletoes, Dotje, and Donut. One of those great Animals Taiwan volunteers followed the instructions on the box they were found in in a ShiDa park: ‘Take Cat’.
These feminine feline babies are now in their fourth week. Not only are they easy on the eye, but they are easy on the night rest too, as they sleep right thru! They are healthy and strong and have begun to pounce and leap and play and have discovered the other animals in our household. (Of course, Sugar, our two-legged dog, discovered them first, see: youtube.com/watch?v=qxOMK0H8flU and rate the flick and help raise money for Animals Taiwan that way!)
From our experience with bottle-fed kittens these pets are not only lovely and loveable, but will be very easy and mellow. They are great around humans, let themselves be ‘picked up’ and dragged around by children without a complaint, and love other cats and dogs as well (if you looked at above short movie, you already know why!).
Twinkletoes, Dotje, and Donut will be ready for adoption in a few weeks. You can come and have a look at them now though. Just PM me or contact Sean at Animals Taiwan and he’ll give you my phone number.
And please spread the word. Thanks! MO
Twinkletoes (thanks to Maureen). Her big eyes are completely clear and gunk-free now. And no, she’s not a fruit bat!
Donut, who will likely remain blind in one eye, but that’s ok, she came with two!
Dotje. Her beautiful eyes have healed completely.