This poor dog has been locked up in her cage for days on end living in her own shit and getting no attention at all. The only times coming out are when her owner wants to give her a bath or when he’s having a “good” day. He’s an a-hole that bought her originally for breeding. Luckily he never got around to that…(going through divorce, gambling, etc.)
I couldn’t report him to authorities, since negleting isn’t actually abuse (in Taiwan anyways) and also, because he rents business grounds with a Taiwanese friend of mine and I didn’t want to cause trouble between them.
But, I’ve finally convinced him to sell his dog (he won’t give it away - he needs money for his gambling!) The dog is in good health, and she’s very very friendly. But, she does have a lot of bottled up energy, so whoever takes her, is gonna have to get her to a place where she can run til she’s blue!
She’s going for $10000. She’s a brown and white husky with blue eyes. I know this is a lot of money. Maybe we can all chip in a little if we know she’s going to a good home.
And, yes, I know this is not an adoption - but it is a rescue!
I would hate for the abuser to make a profit. I’m not suggesting you do this yourself, BUT if you could arrange that the cage is accidentally left unlocked, and it just happens that no one is around, and the poor dog “accidentally” gets out, and there just happens to be some friendly dog rescuers in the neighborhood at midnight… well… when/if the abuser calls the police, you would be safe in bed with witnesses and you would just have to tell the police how abused dogs tend to run away after they are mistreated or perhaps the local military based barbequed him. The dog would be safely off to another city and the abuser doesn’t get any money out of it.
Douglas, I appreciate your idea, but there are some problems. Techniqally, this guy isn’t an abuser. He doesn’t beat her, shout at her, deprive her of food or breed with her (though he did intent to!) And, No.2, (Which I didn’t mention before, because I didn’t want to get too personal on a public website…) He works with my husband, and I’ve bitched and moaned so many times to him about his dog, so that if it went missing, he’ll know it is me and it will cause lots of trouble.
But I have some good news for everyone: THE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE, HUSKY IS WAITING FOR A LOVING HOME.
In other words, SherryX is willing to pay 10K to see the dog go to a good home…
Can you send me pictures… We have a friend who owns two Huskys, and she operates an adoption event every Sunday at a park where mostly pure bred dogs are taken for walks. It’s like a weekly dog walking rendez-vous for pure breed owners. She can find a home for this dog within ten days at the most. As a matter of facts, she re-homed three Huskys and one mutt in the last three weeks. She also does post-adoption checks to make sure the animals are well looked after, desexed, vaccinated and all that. All adopters have to sign the BARK adoption contract, and the fee is 2000NT. We use the 2000 to pay for neutering, vaccinations, and microchipping.
I’ll put in a thousand if it helps. But is the owner only going to go out and purchase a new pet to abuse?
On the same lines, there is an adult Husky that I see from by rooftop apartment bathroom. It is on the flat concrete wall lined roof across from us and gets NO attention, ever! It is getting quite fat and out of shape now and it almost makes me want to cry when I see it in it’s sorry state, just sprawled out on the floor all covered in muck having given up all hope of ever having a proper life. I have thought seriously about approaching the owners to do what you have very generously done, but I can’t manage a dog’s hairy mess around my home and wouldn’t want to spoil my car either, otherwise I would love to take care of one.
Yes, bobepine, please give me that woman’s number. I’ll send you a picture in a couple of days.
And to set the record straight: The money isn’t coming from me…It’s from a kind donor who wishes to stay anonymous.
The happy part of this rescue, is that the owner definetely won’t get another dog. He cares too much about the money he’s spending to buy food for his dog.
And if there’s still anybody who wants to help out financially, please don’t hesitate. Even though we have a donor, I would like to take some strain off this person, 'cause 10k is a lot of money. Sent me a PM if you want to donate. It would be the dog that was saved by forumosans.
Seems that things are moving a little slow. Because the owner suddenly became paranoid that my husband wants to buy his dog and then re-sell it. He thinks that everybody cheats everybody (because that’s the kind of person he is)…So, now he changed his mind and he doesn’t want to sell his dog.
But, don’t lose hope yet. We’re gonna try to convince him to sell it. So, if he finally says yes, Bopepine, the woman you talked about, or either the kind donar who PM’ed me, must go to pay the money to the man, so that he would know we’re not trying to do him in! WHAT A MISSION!