Advantages of being registered in Household Registration

Yes you are right
Sorry I forgot to mention it

When they were born, you had not naturalized yet, right?

This gets abit sticky. I am not legally up to date so dont want to say anything above grade. However a decent number of born and raised taiwanese were essentially deported in such situations. So i would say, just because this current government is more sensitive to the issue does not mean anything at all long term (eg. When your children turn 18, or whatever the age of sacrifice is in the future). So play the cards well, because taiwan is anything but solid and stableā€¦personally i would also consider what the citizenship your kids carry is. If it is a country with severe lack of stability, perhaps renouncingto become taiwanese is worth t. But doing that one cannot ignore the elephant in the room, which is china, and the rest of the world that are useless. Without the china issue i myself would of given up my birth place passport for taiwansā€¦but china is real and its enablers are just as real.


Thanks for the response

They have both APRC and I am not asking here about them to apply for Taiwanese citizenship but only if enrolling them in HOR brings any advantages to them

They have Aprcā€¦they are good from that perspective

If you donā€™t mind, Iā€™d like to know the situation more clearly. Sorry, this is off-topic.

If your kids are under 18, did they get APRC based on Articles 15 or 16 of Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals? In that case, their APRCs were not revoked when yours was revoked by your naturalization?

Or could they get APRC based on Article 25 of Immigration Act, though it says 20 or above as a requirement?

sorry Tando I have no idea about the articles & acts I donā€™t know what to say other than they are good with their APRC.

Since it looks like this question is complex I will give a call to HOR directly.

thanks everyone for the great quick support

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No worry. I was just curious.

it will be the best.

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