Advice on getting work

I think someone said it earlier, but put yourself out there as both a job candidate and a supply teacher. [/quote]

If I may ask, what is a "supply teacher?

Timing is the key.

Beginning of the year is not good, beginning of September is the time, but you should find CNY also has some jobs. Good Luck - hope it works out for you. Hold in there. alternatively you could go to Korea- particuarly if you are american - and get a better paid job there- not such a good place to live though. Food is good.

A supply teacher is the poor soul who takes over another teacher’s class when that teacher cannot be there to teach. You might recognized the ones back home by the spitballs in their hair and the frazzled, crazy look in their eyes from having to deal with kids who think it’s funny to switch names with each other and insists that their teacher really does let them have recess from 8am until 3pm.

They are also know as substitute teachers.

Where do they call substitute teachers “supply” teachers? It must be some funky regional dialect thing.

I believe that this ‘funky regional dialect’ comes from the majority of the
English speaking world. I could be wrong though, seeing as how I grew up with the funky regional dialect that calls them substitute teachers.

School of rock made substitute teaching look appealing but I think in reality you are still a temp even if you do form a rock band with your kids.