Afrricaans translation

what does this mean in english

Ek het hierdie sms gekry this oggend van Phil: “Sleep well my SA horror.” Ek dink dit is baie snaaks. Ek het baie gelag!!!

I don’t speak Afrikaans, but I want to try:

I got this SMS from Phil this evening: “Sleep well my (South African) horror.” I think that is very funny. I really laughed.

Marks out of 10?

[quote=“Juba”]I don’t speak Afrikaans, but I want to try:

I got this SMS from Phil this evening: “Sleep well my (South African) horror.” I think that is very funny. I really laughed.

Marks out of 10?[/quote]

9/10, Oggend is not evening its morning.

Try this one:


Als ik op mijn duim zou gaan zitten dan is de kans groot dat hij in mijn gat schuift.

[quote=“belgian pie”]Try this one:


Als ik op mijn duim zou gaan zitten dan is de kans groot dat hij in mijn gat schuift.[/quote]

If I sit on my thumb there’s a great chance of it ending up in my ass.

[quote=“Juba”]I don’t speak Afrikaans, but I want to try:

I got this SMS from Phil this evening: “Sleep well my (South African) horror.” I think that is very funny. I really laughed.

Marks out of 10?[/quote]

Jub’s that excellent.

double post

[quote=“Alleycat”][quote=“belgian pie”]Try this one:


Als ik op mijn duim zou gaan zitten dan is de kans groot dat hij in mijn gat schuift.[/quote]

If I sit on my thumb then the chance is great that it will end up in my ass.[/quote]

OK, free translated it’s about correct. Only I put it in future …

But I couldn’t figure out “snaaks” in the SA translation

This one is in Vloams:

As ge nie goe wet wa doeng koste effe goe is noar den alleycat goan en ne pizza goan freiten. Moar veur 't zeulfde geld koste ge hier oek awen boak komen vol sloagen.

Here’s a REALLY tricky Afrikaans one, posted in another thread a while back:

“My hand is in warm water.”

Any guesses?!?!?!?

I’m in deep shit

Please,oggend is morning, aand is evening, nag is night.So many got that wrong.
I am in deep shit = Ek is diep in die kak.
My hand is in warm water = the same in English !
How about- Ek is siek en sat van al die kak.

I’m sick off all the shit you guys are pulling up here.

Actually: don’t post this bull… anymore

How about:

“Gaan kak in die mielies.”

Anybody??? :smiley:

…chance is great or chance is big ?

Try this with your students.It helps them with the ‘s’ sound and its very funny if they can say it.

Sannie se Sannie sal sewe sakke sout sleep.
It means:
Sannie(girls name)say,Sannie can pull seven bags of salt.

or this one:

Zeven zwarte zwanen zwemmen in de zuiderzee

Die groot groen gogga in die groot groen gras.
NB. G is like clearing your throat before spitting(Taiwan style)

or this one:

Zeven zwarte zwanen zwemmen in de zuiderzee[/quote]

Seven swarthy* swans swin in the Southern Sea.

Swarthy instead of black to keep to illiteration.

Its all double Dutch to me.