Against Taiwan's Beloved National Health Insurance

They won’t give you tramadol or something better because it is tracked. Same goes for the good sleeping medicine.

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cholinergic urticaria?

Clinics aren’t meant for anything serious. Most people go there for the cold/flu stuff and if needs be, they are referred to a hospital. This is probably why clinics only give 3 days of medication. If you needed treatment for depression, blood pressure, etc. it’s better to go to a hospital.

I hear that Taiwan also has the best medical data for ethnic Chinese (between it, China, and HK).

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Those are the merits, the downsides is the nurses and docs though rush through the pre surgery explanations if at all in 5-10 seconds twice with my wife she was confused and shes Taiwanese. One time they didn’t explain when to take what pill at all they just hand you forms and push you on your way to the next number. Its horrible service and care until we see the low price and then we shrug it off and smile.

Still for the price its fine.


You’re expected to use the Internet. :wink:

You’re lucky! In many hospitals other patients sit in the doctor’s room, waiting. So, no privacy.

They have a sliding curtain for those occasions.

I guess I’m the only one who likes stripping for nurses.


Yep. Or there’s a tiny barrier between you and the other patients.

Last time I went to the urologist and he stuck his fingers up my ass, I squealed like that poor sod in Deliverance. When I departed, the waiting room was as silent as a morgue. Not a single person playing with a phone. Just a whole lot of blokes staring at me, looking terrified; wide-eyed and agape, waiting for their turn.


National Cheng-Kung University Hospital.

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Complete with Chinglish! Taiwan Up!


Dose of chabuduo.