Air conditioning limit?

Thanks for the detail - so how is this supposed to be enforced? I’ve been in lots of rooms that don’t have a thermometer. In the rooms with multiple ACs that display temperature, they’ll all have different numbers.

(Although I very much doubt this is going to be enforced much anyway, except by companies using it is an excuse to save on power bills…)

Thanks for the detail - so how is this supposed to be enforced? [/quote]
A city government official would take a thermometer and stand in the middle of the room and get a reading. He won’t even glance at the thermostat.

Christ you guys are soft. We don’t have air-conditioning in our classrooms at my school. We also don’t use the air-conditioning at night. I officially live in the tropics too you pansies.

That said, in my last job, they told us about the 26 degree rule too. Then I figured out that I could set the air-conditioner to whatever level I wanted and then I could point the remote away from the unit and make the display go back up to 26 without the air-conditioner actually changing. I would set it as low as it would go – 16 degrees – and some of the kids would literally be shivering in July, but it was perfect for me. Sometimes, people would walk in and wonder why it was so cold and they’d tell me I needed to have it on 26, so I’d whip out the remote and show them. They’d walk off puzzled. Haha. There is a Taiwanese style solution to everything here.