Air pollution levels in Taiwan - grim reading

Well Kaohsiung does have the worst air quality in Taiwan but it’s a lot better than before already.

Besides the graph is about the average in 2019.

Good News


That’s excellent news. Can we start on the same thing with paper money? I can’t count how many morning walks have been ruined by otherwise fantastic air quality days by that…

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today is holiday but still, even in a few meters you can notice the dense smog in Taipei, don’t mention if you look at the mountain

Bizarro on a holiday and the wind is coming from the East, not from China.

Nothing bizarro, the easterly winds create a vacuum on the west side of the Taiwan mountain range, sucking the air eastwards in lower layers, bringing the Chinese pollution with them.
Normal meteorological case.

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In other words the West Coast literally sucks… the pollution.

Is there something weird going on in the northern Taipei / Danshui area tonight? Strong smoky smell, like there’s a fire somewhere. AQI doesn’t seem unusual.

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We smell smoke in our corner of Neihu, too. There were a ton of firetrucks went up the mountain (towards Wuzhishan) around 6pm, and we smelled smoke then too…

The pollution is awful today though, so it’s hard to pinpoint.
Edit: a quick Google search came up with this structure fire on Yanping N Rd Section 7… I’d be surprised if we could smell that all the way over here (maybe we just smell regular farm burn-off?), but it makes sense you could smell it in Danshui!

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All over Shipai as well, all day. I figured people burning vegetation up in the hills, but I would kind of guess that would be more localized

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It could be掃墓。 Hakka tomb sweeping was last weekend but some might be doing it this week too. Just a guess. It could well be burn off as well exceot now is not rice harvest season.
There also was a very large number of vehicles on the highway today…


I smelled it everywhere from Taipei to Taoyuan. Weird.

They predicted pollution buildup in advance due to the weather conditions (maybe inversions , wind direction ).But they never really state the major causes of the pollution .

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its gross out there today.

I also smelled all the smoke yesterday around Yuanshan. It smelled like the whole city was burning.

Turns out there was a huge fire at a logging factory/warehouse in Shillin.

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I am feeling it in my eyes today, around Tu Chen area. Running eyes and inflamed. I noticed 2 different places burning paper money (as if we don’t have enough to contend with right now).

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If i write to my legislator, will he/she care/ do anything about it? Or do they bother with these things? Excessive and unnecessary pollution habits feels like something you’d write to your congressperson about in the US…


Red day forecast for Taipei today. I’m not running in this…

Weird that. My phone was forecasting dire pollution for the afternoon in Danshui as well, but it actually cleared up a lot and turned into a lovely afternoon.

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