Air pollution levels in Taiwan - grim reading

It’s horrible in Hsinchu tonight.

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This year’s weather condition has been terrible. It hasn’t been this bad this often for a couple of years.


Thanks to everyone on this board, who recommended that I find a place up north. If air out here in Tamsui, can be this bad. Imagine how bad, it would’ve been if I was staying in Tainan.

@Shui even with a n95 mask, stepping out in 70 air is not good. over the long run, the effects build up. anything above 55+ is a major worry.

As a tip to everyone, I recommend using accuweather, the real-time readings are good. the AQICN website the readings are a few hours late.

Meanwhile in China


1,592? did they put the sensor inside an exhaust? :smile:


No clouds on the radar or satellite view but look at the sky when should be bright.


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And look at the wind direction. Right from the north. :face_with_monocle: the claims the pollution comes from China most hold water with holes in the claims like that.

I believe that was a sandstorm, not man-made pollution

China pollution would not come from the north.

See the pollution is highest to the west. The wind direction is from the north.


Wind is mostly north to south not west to east.

somewhat - keep in mind that surface wind at 10 meters does not always move in the same direction as wind at 100 meters, 500 meters, 1000 meters, etc. Just highlighting this because a simple surface wind map only tells about 10% of the story.

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Then tell me how polluted air would come to the surface if the wind at different elevations was moving differently.

Not being an ass just genuinely nice ant to learn.

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Through convection - warming (rising) and cooling (falling) of air as it passes through layers of atmosphere moving in different directions. Ground level winds (10 meters) might be pushing PM2.5 south, but aloft (say 300 meters) a portion of the warming/rising air mass in the daytime heat can be caught by wind moving to the east – as the air passes eastward, it cools and gradually falls falls+condenses – kind of rolling it’s away above into a different area and moves into a southerly course again. (If the high pressure or low pressure is strong enough you will get uniform movement throughout a tall column of atmosphere, like say the remnants of a Typhoon moving through the coast then a 10meter surface wind map is probably enough to predict pollution movement)


Over what distances does this happen.

I know of wind sheer. But that is more generally local.

Depends on the type of pollution. PM2.5 can travel hundreds of miles. Other aerosols can travel thousands of miles.


Hongshulin today

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Map of wind direction speed and co2 concentration. Looks like we could blame Taiwan for our air quality issues. :roll_eyes: