Air pollution levels in Taiwan - grim reading

Yeah, I’m sure air pollution is unhealthy, but we all have a limited amount of mental energy to deal with stuff.

I think Asians who are health-conscious are generally just used to spending their mental energy on other things they can actually control, like their own diet and exercise.

That doesn’t make sense dude.

Asians are buying massive amounts of air purifiers cos they know the air is shit. So they are concerned. Also people in Taichung have been very concrrned about this and have forced Taipower to reduce their emissions there.


Everyone who wrote the last few posts (myself included) have been talking about how most Taiwanese don’t care that much about air pollution, which you seemed to agree with (or at least not surprised by it), but now all of a sudden we’re wrong?

Make up your mind.

Getting a bit worked up are ya? I’m saying at least some folks recognise the issue here even if they have trouble sometimes understanding what is truly fresh air…like yerself. Taichung was more obvious cos the power plant was making things visibly worse.

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A few years ago, a friend had a chest x-ray to check the size of his heart. When the cardiologist saw it, he said, it looks like you have been in Taiwan many years, as you have white specs on your lungs. He said, don’t worry, this is normal in Taiwan.

I was on holiday in Thailand literally this past weekend and the complaints here make me cringe. Y’all should fly there and see what air pollution really looks like.

Air quality index in the past month across Taipei, London and Paris:

Now THIS is what pollution looks like:

PARIS IS MORE POLLUTED THAN TAIPEI. Stop spewing Western supremacist nonsense. And Paris isn’t even the worst. I haven’t even brought up Milan or Eastern Europe which make Kaohsiung air seem clean.

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I don’t get your issue here. Chiang Mai has really bad air pollution. So? Paris has worse air pollution than Taipei. So?

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My issue is that European air isn’t any better than Taiwanese air, but a bunch of Europeans are claiming that air in Taiwan is much worse than in Europe which is frankly totally delusional. Paris is in Europe and it’s more polluted than Taipei by a fair margin.

Unless any of you plan to start arguing that Paris is NOT Europe, lol.

I haven’t seen the posts where Europeans are claiming that air in Taiwan is much worse than in Europe. I would guess that a large proportion of northern Europe has cleaner air, but I don’t know for sure.


I would question if you are cherry picking data to suit your narrative. In part because Paris is, in fact, not Europe. It is just one city. Most of us aren’t even French, so interesting that was your choice.

You’re the one who brought up Paris. Please stop spewing nonsense :slightly_smiling_face:

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Paris is a big city in Europe, and Taipei is a big city in Asia. They are comparable.

I can find data of other European cities too and they would look bad too. Sure air is great in Scandinavia and the Baltics, but the largest city in that area is Stockholm which has barely 1 million inhabitants.

Air quality is poorer in Kaohsiung in winter because of the wind direction, but in summer it’d be all green as well.

If Vancouver had the same topography it’d be polluted too. Paris and Taipei are both basins so they are more comparable.

I figured you were :laughing:

Also, Canada doesn’t have China as neighbor.

There are lots of reasons. I smelled smoke coming in the window today and across the street there was a guy burning stacks of fake money. Those open fires that we see here regularly would be illegal on the streets in Vancouver.



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I was comparing Taipei to European cities anyway. Yes I know air is cleaner in Canada and (most of) the US. These two countries are very empty.

I checked the populations of Vancouver and Kaohsiung, both coastal cities. Perfect comparisons are impossible

The fact is, our complaints are perfectly valid and everyone sees through your attempts to dismiss them.

Please, knock off this kind of BS posting:

Fake news gets cancelled! News at eleven.