Airport Bus from Taoyuan to CKS

If you want to get to CKS airport from Taoyuan or the area to the south then this info might be of use.

Buses from Taoyuan to the airport take about 45-50 minutes, and leave every 30 minutes (10 and 40 past the hour), and cost $NT40. This is a local bus that makes several stops along the way, and not an express airport bus. (Note: Drop NT$40 into the coin container as you board the bus and the driver will hand you a ticket. Don’t lose it. You have to hand over your ticket when you get off the bus.)

When you come out from Taoyuan Train Station turn right, walk past the department store and cross the road, take the first left (Chongqing St. 重慶街) and walk a block to Fuhsing Rd 復興路. The bus leaves from a stop outside a 7-eleven on Fuhsing Rd (at the corner of Chongqing). It takes only a couple of minutes from the Taoyuan train station.

Several buses use this bus stop, look for 中正機場 (CKS airport) on the bus. Warning; There’s no English sign on the bus. If you’re running late you can take a metered taxi to CKS: it will take 30 minutes and cost NT$500.

Buses from Taoyuan to CKS Airport
05:55, 06:25, 06:55, 07:10, 07:25, 07:47, 08:10, 09:10, 10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 15:10, 15:57, 16:23, 16:47, 17:1, 17:53, 18:37, 19:10, 20:00, 20:45, 21:30