Alkaline drinking water?

a new water filter i bought has the option of electrolyzing? the water so it gains various degrees of acidity or alkalinity. the people selling the machine are pushing the health benefits of drinking alkaline water. any opinions on/knowledge about this?

I’m not a doctor, but neutral pH (a pH of 7.0) seems like it would be best. I was recently diagnosed with kidney stones, so I did a little research on the matter and learned that some types of stones will form in an alkali environment, but other types prefer acid. In Taiwan, the water contains a lot of calcium carbonate, which is alkali. In other words, the water is already too alkali, and I don’t think you’d want to make it more so. It’s probably best to not mess with the pH. However, if you’ve got problems with kidney stones, reducing the mineral content of the water would be a good idea, so maybe mix 50-50 with distilled water. But don’t drink 100% distilled water (because you do need the minerals).

The most effective means of avoiding kidney stones is to drink a lot of water. That’s particularly important in summer. I’ve heard that taxi drivers in Taiwan have a big problem with kidney stones because they don’t want to drink water, since they’ve got no place to pee while their on duty.
