Allergies in Taiwan

Anyone experienced strange short-term allergies here?

A month or two back I suddenly got an itchy rash and hives that broke out all over my body. My wife also got the same thing a day later. Then suddenly cleared up about 3 days later, before we had a chance to see the doctor. Nothing changed in our diet and lives, never had any allergy before, just can’t work out what caused it.

Weird thing is, now my friend has the exact same thing; itchy red rash, hives, no change in lifestyle and diet. So strange, could it be something in the water or air (I’m in Taichung)??

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Is anyone else having really bad allergies this weekend?

My son and I have been suffering really extreme allergies these past two days.

Any plants or trees that spread their pollen this time of year?

I’m having some abnormal sinus and not sure the cause as away from normal sleeping location.

I get a weird week of allergies every mid november. Rest of the year is fine.

Yes! My nose has been so itchy and my eyes are watery. It’s definitely allergies, because it’s been off and on since Saturday.

The strong winds may be spreading around pollen more than usual.

Or you can try the allergy test:

He said it was “botanical sexism”.

I have nowhere near enough knowledge to judge here, but this morning I read a lengthy twitter thread on how this “preference for male trees” idea is basically nonsense. A lot of it comes down to how almost all trees are both male and female:

I left out the Twitter hyperventilation and just linked the article.
The woman could have brought her points over in a more scientific way.
But I agree with her argument.

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Anyone else have bad nasal allergies today? Noe running, sneezing, itchy eyes? Mine are going nuts today. First allergy attack in over a year.

I’m ok but my wife was suffering.

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I need to constantly take benedryl or else my allergy takes off. I use it at night both as a sleep aid and to keep allergy at bay. Otherwise I’m not able to go out at all because the constant sneezing will cause people to think I have covid.

When I was in Austin it was worse. Something in the air causes such bad allergy problem, and it would not respond to medications at all. Usually happens in the winter.

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Ozone values were quite high today, I think. Maybe not only allergy related.

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Yes terrible allergies yesterday and first time in ages also, family also had symptoms.
Could be hayfever.

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Yes, Saturday night, my sinuses were throbbing. For the first time in at least a year.

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Hmmmmm :grin:

The UV went nuts as well yesterday. High levels of UV and sunlight can cause ozone to develop close to the ground when mixed with vehicle pollution . My symptoms were particularly bad after I went for a bike ride along the riverside yesterday.

Probably ozone or hayfever.


Or 5G :grimacing:

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I think ozone can also increase hayfever symptoms. So probably both.


I think for me it’s cats