Allergies / Pollinosis

here in Europe I am suffering from outdoor allergies 3/4 of the year. As I am planning to come to Taiwan in the next year (and maybe stay for a year or more), I was thinking about what problems I will have to deal with there, especially, as there will be no pollen-winter-break, right?
I’ve been told that maybe my problems will be less or even disappear once I will be there because of the humid air and the different flora.

Any experiences from anyone who went to Taiwan with their allergies?

I am also interested in informations about antihstamine pills such as Zyrtec or Mizollen to be available there.

thx alot - Ricarda

In the US I have HORRIBLE allegies. Here I have mild ones. That is really all I can tell you.

I do have worse breathing troubles, though. And I don’t like the athsma inhailors here. So if you have athrma with your allergies, come prepared.

This could indeed happen. I remember a few years ago my girlfriend (who is originally from Taiwan) went back there for a few months because her allergies were getting too bad in Germany.

Sorry, no idea since she never needed these pills in Taiwan.

[quote=“spunkygerm”]I’ve been told that maybe my problems will be less or even disappear once I will be there because of the humid air and the different flora.

Any experiences from anyone who went to Taiwan with their allergies?


One of the pleasant suprises for me was being totally free of allergies in Taiwan for the first year.

2nd and 3rd year in and they returned similar to my home country.

Only thing I still notice is that I have no problem with dust mite here. In Australia if I visit friends/ family there is no way I am going to sit on soft furnishings. I’d be sneezing with itchy eyes really quickly.

Windy days particularly in spring I take 1 Claratyne a day (ingredient LORATADINE 10MG) I always bring them in rather than battle with local brand names but its probably available here.

i’ve noticed that my spring-time allergies (which were terrible in canada) have virtually disappeared, along with allergies regarding animals. however, for some strange reason, for the past two months i’ve had horrid outbreaks of hives over my entire body at night…

I get mad hayfever back in NZ every year without fail - here, nothing.