AlphaGo Zero, the strongest Go player in our history

The paper introduces AlphaGo Zero, the latest evolution of AlphaGo, the first computer program to defeat a world champion at the ancient Chinese game of Go. Zero is even more powerful and is arguably the strongest Go player in history.

Previous versions of AlphaGo initially trained on thousands of human amateur and professional games to learn how to play Go. AlphaGo Zero skips this step and learns to play simply by playing games against itself, starting from completely random play. In doing so, it quickly surpassed human level of play and defeated the previously published champion-defeating version of AlphaGo by 100 games to 0.

In just 40 days (actually in just 3 days), from tabla rasa, Zero went beyond the thousands of years human wisdom in a “complex” task.

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that’s neat, it’s like when Goku goes somewhere faraway/in the underworld/wherever and trains by himself, then he comes back and kicks everyone’s ass.

Can AGZ beat our God-Emperor?
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

The God Emperor is a master of 4D Chess, they’re different disciplines.

This was an interesting article on this

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