Alternative Energy in Taiwan and Taiwan's Energy Security

The Japanese will restart their nuclear reactors before the decade is out.

Once the population understands that there’s simply NO OTHER WAY, they’ll be marching down to the closest Tepco offices to demand that the later restart those reactors ASAP.

Every other nation (except France, because 70.6% of energy in France already comes from nuclear) will either start constructing nuclear reactors, or their population will demand the extraction of fossil fuels, climate crisis nonwithstanding. 7USD Gasoline vs the Environment is never a valid question.

It’s not just politics, there’s also greed. The US did some very serious work on practical nuclear fusion back in the 1970s, but that work eventually got killed by the oil industry. The Chinese has picked up that work though and I think they may get a working fusion reactor in 10 years time. A small scale version that is. Not enough to save the world or its population, but hei China will still be around in a couple hundred years time.

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