American Citizens: Let's try to get a live operator at AIT

For a couple of years now.
[Overseas Americans in Taiwan

If you really want to solve the AIT problem, get involved. There is a viable solution that has been circulating for some time.
It involves separating the American Citizen Services and other department from AIT and turning them over to individual State representative offices that are willing to participate. It would greatly benefit the Americans living in Taiwan and AIT. The funds that the federal government would allocate to the state Representative offices would go a long way towards increasing trade and development of US-ROC ties and AIT would be able to go on with business as usual without all those complaints filed in the US by troublesome US citizens.
AIT exist through an individual act of congress. That means if enough people put enough pressure on congress that act can be changed. AIT has enough blemishes on it’s record to justify such a move. All it would take is wide spread support from the local American community.
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