American with child, want to move to Taiwan

Why not just move to Canada?

Like the US, but with fewer guns and without a supreme court hellbent on yanking the country back seventy years. :slightly_smiling_face:

Bring sacks of money though. Canadian cities have become expensive!



I mean, yeah.

You even get French (sometimes badly written) on the back on your cereal boxes! :rofl:


Very hard to get jobs though…

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Lots of jobs now! Though who knows if you could actually survive given the high costs of the cities and the galloping rate of inflation . . .


Depends on the job I guess. To work hard for little pay is possible anywhere in the world. Finding good jobs is also hard here…

This seems reasonable. There seems to be a lot of emotion in the other reasons.

Do you have a link for the elephant charity thing? I’d like to see that.

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ROFL. The “right” to teach five-year-olds about cutting off their genitalia, without telling the parents about this form of “education” of course? Or the “right” for teachers to take students to transvestite stripper shows, again without telling the parents?


49 replies and no rebuttal from OP. I think she’s gone to look elsewhere.

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A glimpse at forumosa can often lead to that outcome.



Yeah, but if you can survive this forum (especially IP), you can survive anywhere. Ha

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Moving to a place where the government barely acknowledges the existence of single parents through policy, maybe she figured it out on her own?

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I don’t know where the original poster lives in the US, but you don’t need to go to Canada, just move to Massachusetts. No threat of losing women’s rights, great health care, mass shootings nonexistent, good weather except for February, and it would be much easier to start a business than in Taiwan or Japan, I’d guess.


Yeah and maniac drivers. :laughing:

I doubt they care about maniac drivers if they’re considering Taiwan.

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Must be a joke.

Delaware or Utah maybe.

It’s dog eat dog out there. :laughing:

@elephantsRcool does not think Forumosa is cool. Not even replied once to the pachyderm’s own thread.

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Just another rando “dream of Taiwan” post. Get them every so often, they almost never actually materialise.

I wonder, maybe we’re all searching for a utopia that does not exist?