An admirer paying bills: Is this normal?

An interesting (or totally mundane) story:

Tonight my friend who is visiting and I were out tonight chatting over some noodles and Taiwan Beer at a local noodle place, and at the table behind us there was a group of middle aged guys hanging out, who seemed to be regulars. After a while there was just one guy left, and I as they say, noticed him noticing me (or at least noticing my breasts…) He seemed really shy but friendly, and I could tell by his attempt to crack a smile at me that he was interested in one way or another.

Anyways, as my friend and I go to pay, the lao ban with a big smile explains that the gentleman has taken care of the bill for us. Since my friend was going to pay I asked her if that was ok with her and we both kind of decided we were better off, with our limited Chinese to just graciously accept and get going. So we said our Xie Xie’s and Wan An’s and left.

So what I’m wondering is, does this kind of thing happen a lot here? Is there any sort of unspoken rule or appropriate reaction to this?

It hasn’t happened to me often, possibly because I lack breasts. But, I did once have a really drunk guy say he’s buying our next round and then forget to actually pay for it and also a weirdo at Hooters said he wants to buy me and friend a beer because he liked my shirt, I can’t imagine that he was a Nebraska Cornhuskers fan.

It does happen every so often. You did the right thing, be gracious, appreciative, and leave with a smile. If you spot him again ask him to join you for a drink (maybe you should do this not long before you have to leave, though, to avoid awkwardness (particularly if it does turn out he’s creepy)). Could end up being a good drinking buddy.

:roflmao: That’s exactly what I thought first!

It has happened to me on occasion, though. Once, at a bar, I also had a bloke the insisted on taking me to a KTV after he bought a round. It was one of those “naughty” ones where you get a girl that sits with you and whatnot. He insisted on paying for our beer and “company”. I was three sheets to the wind, so I didn’t think much of it (I was only concerned with getting the girl’s cel number, which I did!). The next day when the fog had cleared I thought it was a tad weird.
I never saw my “sponsor” again, but I did go out with the lady in question a few times. :howyoudoin:

Nothing weird or creepy about it. Local guy intrigued by foreigner, perhaps shy and lacking in language skills, trying to show friendship and hospitality. I’ve been treated to all kinds of small, and sometimes odd, gifts when traveling in various countries (even the US) and I don’t have breasts either. Polite smile and thanks are the appropriate response.

I had a similar experience once. I was walking into town when suddenly one of my friends buys a donkey, drapes several soft cloaks over its back, and insists I ride it into town. As we’re approaching, scores of smiling people rushed out, casting palm fronds on the road in front of me. Several fanned me with palm leaves as I passed.

Good Lord!

teehee :slight_smile: i wonder if this will cause some angry answers… i know places where it woud :roflmao:

TRIED to do this once at Carnies. I wanted to pay MaoMan’s bill on my way out and when the waitress told me the bill, I just bought him a drink instead. And by buy him a drink, I mean I had one more for the road and don’t remember much after that. Go me!

I’m a guy and don’t have breasts (if I did I would just stay home and play with them) and I’ve had strangers pay or try to pay the bill for me quite a few times.

I’ve also picked up the trait and do for others sometimes.

A beer bar as you described would be a good example where people, usually older guys, are happy, maybe intrigued, just want to share some happiness…

But it could have been your breasts also of course… Just sayin’

Good Lord![/quote]

but… then they crucified you??[/quote]
People are fickle sometimes.

Ofcourse it is. The guy who admires me pays ALL my bills. :smiley:

Nobody has payed my bills for a long time. :cry:

I’m probably not showing enough cleavage.

[quote=“ThreadKiller”]Nobody has payed my bills for a long time. :cry:

I’m probably not showing enough cleavage.[/quote]
:astonished: Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck!

[quote=“bismarck”][quote=“ThreadKiller”]Nobody has payed my bills for a long time. :cry:

I’m probably not showing enough cleavage.[/quote]
:astonished: Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck![/quote]
Guys do show butt cleavage you know??? TK invest in low rise jeans, and donate your underwear.

[quote=“divea”][quote=“bismarck”][quote=“ThreadKiller”]Nobody has payed my bills for a long time. :cry:

I’m probably not showing enough cleavage.[/quote]
:astonished: Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck! Shut-up Bismarck![/quote]
Guys do show butt cleavage you know??? TK invest in low rise jeans, and donate your underwear.[/quote]
Baiting won’t work. My lips are sealed!

I’ve had lots of breasts.

What was the question again?

A business man once insisted that my Taiwanese friend and I join his party for dinner and drinks. We had been seated and hadn’t ordered yet, and he said hello. After a few minutes, he made all his associats move over, or get up, so we could join them. Another time, someone in the airport in TPE paid airport taxes for me and a friend when we arrived. I’ve never, ever, been asked for any such thing at any other time. Every once in a while, someone gives me something for free, or throws in something when I buy something else. When I first came to Taiwan in '99 that kind of thing happened all the time, but now it’s very occasionally.

When I was living and teaching in San Chung, around 10 years ago, I was shopping in a supermarket, and on my way to the cashier I bumped into two adult students who insisted on paying for all my groceries, around NT$ 3,000, and much to my protests and awkwardness, they paid … how embarrassingly convenient was that! That transends the bounds of generosity!

Good Lord![/quote]

That’s what everyone kept saying!