Ancient Rome (are you thinking about it?)


Isn’t the Pantheon the oldest continually in-use building in the world?

I think about it a lot whenever there’s a period drama that gets an MA rating.

People have only just figured why their concrete is so amazing.

Daily. I’m reading Cicero’s On Duties atm.


actual ancient rome? it’s worth thinking about. current popularity though…

one possible theory is that it’s an incel carryover. in the vein of famous PUA ppl, there are a lot of grifters, some whackjobs, and a few normies, all trying to capitalize on the insecure males of the younger generation for a quick buck.
some of them eat raw meat > see the liver king
some of them suggest same sex erotic bonding as tantric practice to strengthen manhood > see will blunderfield’s IG
some of them suggest beings a sexpest > andrew tate
some suggest the spartan life means cleaning your room > JP

WHY it’s so common i can’t say. it’s in vogue i guess. there’s a crisis of “masculinity”, in some public discourse. could be related :grimacing:

I can’t even

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i may have spent too much time online to the point where i associate warriors with the chodes trying to bring current men up to speed. maybe that says more about me.

edit: i mostly lurk but also a reminder to maybe read threads before contributing (thanks whiskey).

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When I was in Canada, they treated me with a likeness of Plato. I suppose that is more Greek than Roman; I did, however, find a hostel that attracted Roman type things. The hostel is situated in Taipei City in between the two TW-Hostel locations.

I had a very “classical” education, where we studied Latin and Ancient Greek, so I guess that cement the habit about thinking daily about Rome :joy:
Like someone mentioned about, I also think about medieval Japan quite often, but I guess that’s just because I’m a weeb :sweat_smile:


I like the Byzantines, and first got into them when I read Harry Turtledove’s Lost Legion series, where an ancient Roman legion is magically transported to a fantasy world that is based on the Byzantine empire.

Since then, I notice more about how things around me today are still based on that ancient superpower (blows my mind every time since I live in Taiwan in the 21st century)


I was always into the classics as a kid (preferred Greece tbh) but then some idiot went and made Rome: Total War. That game hooked me, and I started reading a whole bunch about every minor event which popped up in-game. Had a small library by the end of it. Since then, though? Nah. The current corporate empire is incomparably broader in scope and more destructive in its effects. Rome doesn’t get a look in.

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